Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Neil, why shouldn’t we yeet haze today?

Frostwolf103 (2): guavagudetama, BradLand
Leafia (2): tutuu, Cape90
Zugzwang (2): Sneakyphoenix, an_gorta_slanktai
baker (1): Treasure
Bionic (1): RoseRedWitch
RoseRedWitch (1): Stick
apprentice (1): Haze_with_a_Z
Clara (1): neil_the_eel

Not Voting (12): baker, Ash, Leafia, Frostwolf103, Clara, Someone, iamagummybear, KILLIZA, Bionic, May, Kiiruma, Zugzwang

.> also i’m selfish and i want a prot on me tonight and i don’t want town to kill a potential prot bc i kinda buy the claim

Huh?? Zug tried to put Arctic in a hood??? Wat

haze is town

that’s the claim, yes

Yes I know you think that. But why

this possibility is just horrendous

Umm wtf lmao why would you try to create a hood with the guy likely dying. I really don’t understand some of these NAs :notlikethis:

putting an untrackable strongman is just wow

stick this is not wolf haze and this is a sheepable read. i’ve already outlined a more thorough read somewhere but i think haze has an actual train of thought that’s more contingent to hazes towngames than wolf. especially like the reads haze is making. they’re a bit nonsensical but they come from an authentic place. haze is town

Yea it could be the case tho

wasn’t dya a ninja strongman in halloween mash?

Ok fine I’ll sheep this but if we lose to w!haze it’s Neil’s fault :curtain:

xD i mean icets was kinda bad too (sorry)

i’ll be dead by then it’s fine

yeah, im no longer judging people’s actions given the way the game has already went down. rn if the claim makes even a little sense it’s >>rand to be wolf

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Oooorrr yeah it could be ninja strong arm. Which is troll af but. Lol

i think this game is going to give me an anumerysm by the time it’s ended tbh

I kinda don’t like how static rose’s read on bionic has been but I also think bionic fell off the face of the earth so I’m going over their posts again