Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

I never said it converted

What do you mean?

I killed the puppet because i asked it wanted to kill me and said yes

Then the puppet said they would kill everyone if they could in the thread

So eh most likely a 3p?

I haven’t followed the game enough, did anyone else but the puppet flip today? If they did were they also flipless?

Only icet flipped as villa

Your ability transforms a player into the puppet, does it not? If so, where is sabi?

It took the place of sabi, so sabi is dead

And you have infinite uses of this?

So is she dead or not?

It didn’t said anything about the puppet not showing the role when killed so idk why it didn’t show

I was thinking maybe there’s a day cleaner and all flips today are flipless but that does not seem to be the case

So you can flip me and see my rolecard if you so desire

Am i speaking in japanese?

Yes sabi is dead

I said she would come back tomorrow if alive

Nop it’s 1 shot


So if she’s dead, how the fuck can she be alive?

Wtf are you even saying

Insomnia that post it Clara’s was from before they shot sabi in ITAs

Didn’t killiza died to the war declaration?

you said

sabi is dead
sabi will come back tomorrow if alive

am i in the matrix

Clara, I’m asking you why you didn’t follow the puppet’s vote on leafia when you claim that the puppet makes moves that are optimal for the gamestate

Yea this is from before the puppet got killed

so sabi would have lived if the puppet hadn’t died?

Because i assume “optimal play” is optimal for their alignment