Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Let me try again

The target was replaced by killiza

Killiza only responds with insults and is controlled by the hosts

Killiza will take decisions according to what the host thinks is optimal

The target still controls kill power and war declarations

The puppet will join an event with normal event rules

It said “if i had a gun i would”

A shot of what? KP?

So that falls under ‘the puppet responds to everything with insults’ probably?

War declaration sorry

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Idk but it was scary

Like I guess i don’t really see what point 2 does when points 1 and 3 exist. Seems a little redundant ?

Hey i didn’t write the role

Don’t ask me lol

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Do votes count as KP/actions that were controlled by sabi? If not, then votes could be applied to point 2

Also @Clara I’d like your read on baker please

VOTE: Bionic

I’m going to be honest chief

I have barely any reads

I saw this, give me a sec

i see this post again and i think this is really rare thought for a wolf to come up with

VOTE: iamagummybear

I can cook

But i’m not a wolf and this is a mash so

I’m in happyland watching spaceships go pewpew

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Maybe actually ita me so you can see the role card

Or like if i’m alive when there’s less people and i’m less busy i might be able to cook something

the puppet never voted so we dont get any info off that lmfao

It never did???
Then wtf were you talking about



I told you sabi can control war declarations smh