Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

lmao i figured they would have, i checked just now though and it appears they never voted unless i missed it

Stick you are very funny ngl

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mmmmmmm this is a towny post

im looking at guava posts rn too and i dont think i like any posts in this iso

Did anyone claim the Jarek kill?

Something doesn’t add up here guys

i like some of them
i’ll go find all the towny ones
i do have a zoom meeting soon + haven’t eaten breakfast so it may be a while

we (thread) assumed it was anticlaim

why would it be on a marshall though

but yeah lets assume it was anti-claim

doesn’t wolves have too much power?

i assumed they were anticlaim vig’d because they alluded to this part of their role yesterday:
Excess Grant (Day, D1) - During the first 12 hours of the day, choose a player. If they die via execution or event, gain a vote. - 1 use

im not sure if they said enough for it to be anticlaimed but it’s the best i could come up with

yes, wolves definitely seem to have way too much KP plus the ITAs being the way they are is very -ev for town too

We had

1 potential strongman on Arctic
1 potential janitor kill on Apprentice
1 potential anti-claim kill on Jarek
1 potential claimed vig on Benguin

1 potential poisoning on stick
1 potential kidnapper on sabi
1 silent ita on Neil

am i missing something?

Dont worry guys i bet we have strong roles to counter the wolf roles

Like a cop


but anyway this just doesn’t look balanced to me

Like a kidnapper!

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i am thinking of visiting ash instead of kii tonight since they claimed spent up vig on benguin

are you a puppetmaster kind of role?

What if I declare war on Bionic?

I am probably doing that too because I don’t see them dying this game