Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

oh cmon

what do you think of posts like these? i thought it was a good look for ash but it’s spooky as all hell, 1s

wait so why did clara’s gun didn’t work?

cuz it was fake gun


It was a fake gun

this one


you soulreading me tho scared tf out of me

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that is some mind reading stuff

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Yeah it clicked on my head when i went to mock insomnia

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Like no this actually doesn’t make sense lol

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Also someone bbg

You are lucky i’m not playing serious

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uh idk if you mean the one you just quoted or the one I mentioned
for the one I mentioned, usually I try to ask myself ‘how does mafia have this thought? or if it’s fake how would mafia fake this?’
I coooooooould see this being w!Ash who genuinely thought mafia just won
otherwise idt mafia has this thought
though yeah looking at it now it’s not as strong as I first saw it

Let’s play May’s Unfiltered Thoughts on the Entire Playerlist, cool game that never gets me killed even once. Famous for causing my Survival and not death. Mods help

Zugzwang - Towny. Has stepped it up significantly from D1 when I suspected him, was placed in the Watcher list by Frostwolf & specifically yesterday Frostwolf insisted that one of the players on the list had to be the killer early on but suddenly turned around when it looked like he was dying. Claimed a complicated role with reason to visit Arctic. Got my fruit. I can build out a world in my Mind and Head where he is a wolf but it doesn’t track in the universe of the ground of probabilities and I think that is sufficient for me to say he is town.

an_gorta_slanktia - I feel like I don’t fully know how to Process a slot like this. Being the thread leader to this degree is a role that does not exist in a normal-ass mafia game and I’m unfamiliar with insomnia’s play and I’m unfamiliar with, like… the material benefits and consequences that leadership of this type comes with. Looking into the specifics, though, looking through their iso, saying guava seemed like they were bussing Frostwolf feels like something that you could simply choose Not to bring up if you are a wolf, and guava flipped wolf KP, and that feels strong enough that I’m comfortable declaring them town enough.

tutuu - Similar to previous slot except WITHOUT the epic postings re: guava. They’re consistent in tone from their towngames but that’s not saying much when I haven’t seen a wolfgame from the, and I don’t feel like tutuu is using her Powers for Good to the same clearing degree I’ve seen from insomnia. It feels easy to townread him and I would like to do it but I can’t bring the rest of my self on board with it. My weight is still shifted between the two centres. You know?

Treasure - It feels like Treasure kind of does whatever she wants and nobody cares. Reading through this iso, though, it is Wolfy! It is Wolfy from the Wolf Chat and shares similarities with previous Wolf Games I have had with her! She just randomly shot Leafia yesterday in the Incident! The specific accusations of other people being bussing based on their reads: going “LOL nice bus” etc etc et al is not something I remember her doing as town! After I am done unfiltering my thoughts on all players I want to specifically go back and wolfcase Treasure in detail because I think there is something there!

baker - It’s Baker. I feel like the most important thing you have to keep in mind when reading baker’s slot is that it is in fact occupied by baker. I think material results here make me comfortable enough declaring baker town? Pushing for guava to get specifically killed, trying to swap shot last-minute from Bionic to guava is towny when they could have simply just Not done that, reacting immediately to Bionic’s pop-in instead of feeling like they had. Predetermined whether to bus or not.

Kiiruma - It’s Kiiruma. I feel like the most important thing you have to keep in mind when reading Kiiruma’s slot is that. Well he was parity checked with tutuu that’s actually the most important thing to keep in mind I lied. Genuinely I cannot get a handle on his decisions this game and as a consequence I cannot get a handle on his alignment. I think the mechanical entanglement with his slot is enough that I want to lean on that to solve it, which means leaving him for Later. Baker and tutuu are both ~~~towny for now, so I will Leave Kiiruma Be

Someone - Someone appears to frequently not know what the fuck is going on. This is awesome. Everyone should be doing this. However, they don’t really… lean into it? They don’t use it as an excuse to not make reads, they do their best to mechanically solve. Someone feel the exact same as they were as town in the Secret Hitler event. Also their claim is towny.

Sadbi - Mechanics :dead: What the hell was up there. Unpartnered with Clara, wolves don’t take their teammate out of the game like that without killing them, that gives you no bussing cred and reduces your capacity to push agenda. They’ve said a lot of what I’ve thought, which I like, they shot Leafia, which I am still ??? on, I want to see more of what they do here in the lategame with more. Pressure on them than they have D1. And they’re posting as I speak so that’s a positive :+1:

Cape90 - Cape90. This is my remaining strong read from the earlygame, and it does in fact remain! Cape consistently makes reads that make me go “what” and that is exactly what I have seen from him in every other towngame. I don’t think wolves push back on my early turnaround in the way he did, I think the way he pushed back confidently against Arctic and then suddenly changed his mind when Arctic was such a clear, like, consensus townread thread leader is towny, he still is. I will sign this read and put a :white_check_mark: next to it. Good posting!

BradLand - Brad has said some words and then left. He doesn’t feel… abrasive in the same way I’ve seen from him as town. He feels like he’s fine with what’s going on - sometimes he’ll come in and complain about something, but he never Does much? He got townread and then he left. Nothing more. I want to think more about him. I want to hear more about what he thinks. And then unless it makes sense I am probably going to wolfread him about it :+1: Bad Activity Patterns. Don’t like when he shows up.

Ash - I was trying to read him and then I saw this post and I hated it. Therefore he is wolfy scum from the wolf chat. OK? Thank you for reading

SneakyPhoenix/TheBlueElixir - I like this post. Where she says she wants to flip Frostwolf first, and then Leafia. I think she could’ve easily said things the other way around and she didn’t have to. I think that’s a pretty good post. I think the rest of her iso isn’t particularly informative, and I want to look more in-depth at how otter treated her, because I’ve played a game with her before where otter was w and she was v. Compare and contrast.

RoseRedWitch - Rose is typically very smart and thorough. I like it a lot for that. I don’t really see that here? None of its posts really made me go “oh yeah Rose is cool I like Rose”, which I have done in the other towngames I have seen from thorn. Could just be being overwhelmed from the mash, but… like… thorn also does not have great accuracy, has voted for a bunch of people who flipped villager, questioned the shot on otter, that kind of thing. Non-optimal. Yea

Clara - I’m fucking tired. I hate her role. I hate how it was used. I hate how he’s been inconsistent on what exactly it does. I hate how they reacted to the gun. I hate how she appeared to throw Secret Hitler? I still can’t tell what exactly happened there. It was strange and weird and she was strange and weird and she’s PoE forevermore and Forvermore nad forevermore ever ever everververvever

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Hold on let me add some. Line breaks. To that

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i don’t see a host announcement

what are you up to clara

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please focus on this, because i found otter’s treatment of her wolfy in here, so i wanna know

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Press :clap: space :clap: a :clap: few :clap: times


questions here for me are:

  1. is ash prone to tinfoiling
  2. given his reads at the time, is this a possibility he finds likely
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There is

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I pressed space numerous times when typing there! It’s the enter key that I neglected.

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