Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Oh yeah enter

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like, though it was tinfoil, I frequently got the feeling that frost/leafia were both town because i’m prone that

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@may btw it is confirmed now that i didn’t throw in secret hittler


alright sure sure

hi im here hi

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war window 1 starts now

/declare war on Clara @GalacticCouncil

noone join or ur outed mafier!!!

@Zugzwang @BradLand @an_gorta_slanktai @Cape90 join (only 3 of u)

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hey what does that even mean?

i like the rest of your read on me though

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/declare war on Clara @GalacticCouncil

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You’re baker.

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he never stated a read for neil / icet, so it’s incredibly odd

i’d typically say it’s twtbaw just cuz i wouldn’t expect wolves to do things like these, but they do most of the time. don’t think i’ve ever seen a wolf go for tming all the 3 wagons though lol. at most 2


/declare war on Clara @GalacticCouncil


I wouldn’t join a war against Clara anyway they are my mason

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you know at this point why not

i need to make decisions x.x

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i don’t wanna shoot rn :/

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Well im a towny

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brad take my spot

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as u wish

a town will die to silent ita first phase

you know you’re running for chancellor btw right

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stop this nonsense

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