Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Godfather is bastard

Blueelixir ninja or not is irrelevant

If u care about me or kiiruma ninja due to ur role caring about no night actions - whats the point of giving mafia ninja when their factional kill is inherently unassigned (ergo ninja). Overkill, pointless

i receive a 15% bonus on my checks so there is a point from setup design perspective

how is blueelixir showing town to alignment checks is irrelevant?

I said ninja man. U said ninja

yeah i used ninja as a vague broad term there

i have no idea what they are

my point was: role madness, a lot of potent night actions = mafia potentially have a role that can hide from checks or dodge actions

both elixir and then tutuu/kii cant all have this power obviously

so i am unable to clear the following worlds:

treasure lied about their role
treasure told the truth about their role but got false result
treasure told the truth and got correct result = increases the odds of one in tutuu/kii showing opposite result to my check

someone also shot blueelixir before and they lived

treasure day 1 entrance

but treasure voted frost so they pelted

this bit in frost ISO is interesting:

we might all be spewed from this

Ash (4): TheBlueElixir, tutuu, May, Sadbi
May (2): Treasure, BradLand
RoseRedWitch (1): Cape90
tutuu (1): RoseRedWitch
BradLand (1): Ash

Not Voting (5): Zugzwang, Kiiruma, an_gorta_slanktai, Someone, baker


this post of ash is outpacing the thread/TMI

VOTE: ash

this someone post came slightly after this:

there are at least 5 people shooting which was more than enough

War Chart was post #7329

there is a wolf in treasure/blue/someone

from mechanical perspective there is no way it is t/t/t

socially it does look like t/t/t violence though

i am leaning towards someone being scum out of 3 assuming the greencheck is legit

actually hold up