Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

You’re a Wrongboy


Very sad. Absolutely no cure

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i dont think this 6h 12h thing matters. i believe may that that’s her wolf role or her fakeclaim. i think shes just mafia because shes fluffling / her tone is the exact same as the game where we just wolfed and she just relied on fluff to stall for time. town may is an analytical solver. i dont see this here

“Didn’t come up”

But like shouldn’t you mention it anyway.

I mentioned my ability limitations

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May is Lolcatting

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Town May is tired as fuck. You do know that my explicit wolftell used to be wallposting and trying too hard to sound formal and smart, and that the wolf me you’ve seen is an explicit mimicry of my towngame to break that meta


like i could have, d2, been like ‘yeah i tried to neighborize arctic’ and left it at that
but that would be silly

I said this about Wolf!Caitlin and they said they would just ignore me if I said that again

It wasn’t relevant! It did not come up!

may is probaby a wolf but no this is normal

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im expecting to be wrong no matter what i choose here though because aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I struggle in bigger or higher-posting games because I work off of associative reads and gamestate shit. This is slowly narrowing down into something I’m more comfortable with but I am tired as Fuck right now and so I have not done work. That is that

I’m a normalboy!

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may what was your plan to deal with your role d1

I am perfectly capable of and in fact more comfortable with faking analysis & solving. I close my brain and type words and they appear on the screen. Being casual and relaxed is what’s hard for me. And also doing actual solving because as opposed to fake solving that requires Thinking, which I am in no state to engage in at momen t

(or more generally earlier in the game)

Wait until there was an outed wolf we didn’t vote out by EoD & just hit them

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This unfortunately never came.

did you soft your role anywhere nya

No I didn’t. I think I called it Extremely Joycat before claiming but that’s it