Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

to be fair we dont have guarantee that the mercenary enclave is a standard ita shot. it could be controllable. like wolves could make it so it has 0% chance, or negative chance to hit. why not? its not much of a silent ita, is it. players can see it firing. so why not give the wolves the tools to make each other towny

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also i’ve realized why i’m tinfoiling so hard

in most games, I rely heavily on mindset reads that go ‘this player wouldn’t have posted this as mafia. they wouldn’t be able to fake it. therefore they’re town’

whereas here i’m trying to go ‘this would be a bad play for wolf them.’ or ‘they would break their meta!’ or ‘mech wouldn’t make much sense’ etc. which like. there’s always the possibility that they just DECIDED to play differently. whereas you can’t decide to fake something you’re not able to fake

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i mean this would make sense

but what may is saying i disagree completely with lol

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I think Rose is a wolf. I don’t think you were attacked by wolves, they had significantly better targets, so that places Cape as a likely wolf if there’s no other explanation for the stopped nightkill. The last wolf or two… wildcard situation. I dislike the double claim of Galactic Community Vigilante, but for it to be Brad, either Brad was 2-shot or wolves sank Two kills (I cannot cope with imagining this degree of misplay) (I have seen wolfteams do this shit but I refuse to believe it would happen here). I have been becoming steadily more uneasy with your slot as time goes on and Cape’s sinking the nightkill as wolf makes more strategic sense if you’re a wolf, especially if your teammates are PoE and you need some way to endgame. Uh. Who else is alive

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blueelixir said he could have potentially stopped the kill fwiw

also sure we can kill rose

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Oh did he? I missed that. Hmhmhmhmhmm that changes things

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Do we know How, or On Whom

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he said nothing and said he doesnt wanna say nothing. i do wish he did but

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This is a principle known as Gampling :game_die:

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Wait :slot_machine: is more appropriate here I forgot that emoji exists

If you’re behind you have to be Gampling. A wolfteam with Rose in it is behind. Always be Gampling

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ok yeah rose being scum makes a lot of sense.
i have some May voice in my head saying that it fits but idk if it’s accurate to the real May

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One thing about me is I will be a voice in your head


It’s very easy to have me in your head. Imagine someone saying “many people are saying this”. And then you’re done. Very simple and easy

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what would bionic do if he was here. he has ice in his veins. i think he’d have the answer

VOTE: cape90


VOTE: Rose

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VOTE: roseredwitch

I’ve changed into a sweater over the shirt with seams that were digging into my shoulders so I expect my play level to increase bt at least 50%

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