Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

omg I cant even

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ok this time I want to go first so I have even the slightest chance

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before you make 1/2 the lobby immune again

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Who is a good choice

before I do that, are there 3 people on rn who would join me

I’m watching shows but I’m nominally around


anyone else who can help me out rn

3 total so I have any semblance of a chance

Who’re you thinking of warring? I want to resolve Rose ASAP

Sorry id rather try to kill a player

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3 not including me

yea I am trying to do that to

its not my fault both times I hit an immune while getting told after I declared

I need to fire off my night action its highly beneficial

anyone? there is no point if its me and 1 more person

Idk what I should expect, no evil will ever want to join to give me a chance to ruin them, no matter who I target.

VOTE: Tutuu

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what kind of beneficial
like, there are likely 3 or 4 wolves alive rn, and ultimately we do need to, you know
actually kill them :joy_cat:


Like confirming myself on top of greatly helping good team