Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

like I wouldn’t do this if I had some mid/shit tier ability

and its not like 50% = 0% chance

i mean
in my eyes you’re almost certainly town
and i think most people if not everyone agrees
so confirming yourself is kinda redundant

yeah but the alternative is I do nothing, dont declare any wars, and then when its final 5 im an easy target for mislynch

Since “Omg I did nothing all game”

And both fucking times I apparently hit an immune, so I haven’t even proven the negative vote part of my ability

In my eyes it makes no sense to not go for the coinflip, since its heads I prove my negative vote, tails I directly prove myself, kill target, and use super stronk night ability

Ideally I would have had 2 more chances to flip the coin by now but somebody stopped me from even trying to flip the coin

80% and 50% is really not that different of odds

actually yeah upon recalculating, if we have 3 people + you it’s a 42% chance of hitting, vs a 51% chance with 3 people and not you
so yeah that’s decent

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yea but the difference is no evil person in their right mind would ever join my war

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So we somehow need to get 3 people, and its to late for this war window now

3 more

The only kind of info I got now is that evils would rather die then join my war, so im going to leverage that as best as I can

tbh I think evils would almost certainly just say nothing tho, not taunt me, but im kinda pissed off rn

  • idk how agro people are so it depends on da person

thats a + idk why its a dot now

How about this, we identify the most sus people, and we force them to join my war or we kill them

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then we remove the potential wolf ITA’s

and I still get to flip da coin