Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

i also deleted the bodyguard

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Mafia strategist - Yes, Hidden

this is explicitly daychat only, right


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Criminal Corporation

Galactic Community Gamer

Open Branch Office (Day) - Choose a (free) game. You, and a host of your choosing (if available), will compete in that game over the night. The game cannot be longer then 2 hours. If you win, gain a prize. You cannot choose the same game twice. (1 use)
Siphon Funds (Day) - A host will choose a (free) game. You, and the host, will compete in that game over the night. It will not be longer then 2 hours. If you win, regain a use of Rival - Infinite uses

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the most oppressed race

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rq are we adding the Tactician to a pre-existing role

im thinkin we add it here

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this should be (Passive, Night) right
i think we should make it two passives instead of one (because more reading = better player enjoyment upon seeing their role)


that sounds good, mhm

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what does this mean

theres two seperate gimmicks to the mech oracle: actually useful mech info, and host memes
i think there should be two passives
one for reliable information and one for… um… “useful” information


didnt realize that

also it makes more sense when the role flips too

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that works!!

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soo if i can count
we’re 4/9

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do you have… any ideas for games