Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

2 Crisis

Enigmatic Engineering Empire

Crisis Self-Janitor

Engimatic Engineering (Passive) - If you die, your flip is cleaned for a cycle. After that cycle is over, it is revealed.

Masterful Prowess (Passive) - You may use your old role abilities at the same time as your new roles

Engineer Game (Night) - Each night, choose from the following list of events, and whether you wish for it to be played within the first or last 12 hours of the day. The following day, that event will occur.

Host Trivia (2) - 1 use

Russian Roulette [DEATH EVENT - BOTH PLAYERS MAY SURVIVE] (N2 onwards) - 1 use

Cash n’ Guns? - 1 use

Reverse Engineer (Night) - Target a dead Crisis player. You will inherit all their abilities. You will not inherit killing abilities. - 1 use

Mind over Matter Empire

Crisis Watcher

Speak with Shroud (Night) - Target a player. Learn who visits them tonight, and learn what action type was used on them (Killing, Protective, Investigative, Disruptive, Misc) - Infinite uses

requesting above changes.

3 Galactic Community

World Shaper Empire

Galactic Community Jack of all Worlds

World Shaper (Night) - Shape one of the following worlds. Each can only be used once.

Ocean World - Subtract a flat -5% chance of target player dying in a war tommorow. In addition, send them a message of up to 200 characters.
Desert World - Add a flat +5% to the chance of you or the defender dying in a war you are an Attacker in tommorow.
Tundra World - Silently negate target player’s vote tommorow.

Doomsday Empire

Galactic Community Commuter

Brand New World (Passive) - During the night cycle that you have commuted, you will be able to explore the world you landed on.

Migrate Capital (Day) - Migrate your capital to another planet, roleblocking all who visit you tonight. Also prevent all abilities that do not count as a visit that target you from working tonight. This ability processes directly after strongmanned kills. This works as a commuter for everyone except you. - 1 use

Scion Empire

Galactic Community Multi-doctor

Grant Fallen Aid (Night) - Target one player. They are immune to death, tonight - Infinite uses
Protection Protocol (Night) - Target two players. If they are attacked tonight, they will survive for the following day cycle. - 1 shot
Fleet Protection (Night) - Target three players. You will die in the stead of one, if they were attacked. You may only prevent one death this way, in the order you choose. - Infinite uses

requesting above changes

in addition, for formatting sake, requesting wincons be added to the bottom of rolecards.

Yes but only because they died and therefore it replaces your investigations
Normally death doesn’t stop actions

Will add when home

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i can add it; just making sure it was okay

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They are
Pretty sure that’s just a mistake

No one

~~ really hope someone does because I feel like I’m the only reviewer on deck~~


didn’t achro review his own game


Never again

…if we add more flashy things do you think achro would like it more

since you’re a reviewer we only should logically need one more
and achro might be the quickest option since he’s confident in his abilities


also im making an action+ita spreadsheet

…what if we make the neighbourizer ability have like
6-8 charges of messages
so they feel like they have control