Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

i’d like to add the additional ability clause to this
“Actions against target player are guaranteed to succeed tonight”

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also, may i add the same clause the commuter gets to the person subbed out for KILLZA (cause going afk for 48h and then getting thrown back into the game is hard)

i… may like the idea of an executioner.
mostly just because it’s easy and partially just because we need more anti-town

the setup is currently 24%-76%
in a setup where i think town both has an ability advantage and an ita advantage

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dont mind me
i just have this.

Title Leveling Description Comments
Mental Stability 4/7 Keep your mind afloat, at any and all costs. The opportunity of how much you want to wager your sanity for psychical or psychological power. I’ll leave that up to you - P
Empathy 0/3 Feel your friends. Relive the nightmares of your enemies through your own eyes. Coax via your mind other’s deeply-hidden façades “Please remember to recall at specific times of weakness, your… [REDACTED]… Do not lose it in a desperate attempt for survival, for then the only surviving aspect of… [REDACTED]… only debatably so.” - E
Logic 0/4 Basic deduction. Putting clues together. Regular world knowledge “Useful for productive members of society” - P
Wisdom 0/5 Judgement. Patience. Minor all-around statboost. “Oh, him?.. His shallow… displays nothing short of… not just to us, or the company, as another person.” - G
Title Leveling Description Comments
Agility 0/6 Be quick. Dash across a scene and escape untouched. “Get to the point you can dodge bullets, and maybe you’ll…” - P
Reaction Speed 0/4 Decide split of the moment decisions. Be able to grasp a situations. Grasp together evidence, and provide thought-provoking information in a second. “…” - W
Awareness 0/3 Observe your surroundings, and take in what’s useful. Hear the quiet sirens in the distance. “And if you kneel down and place your ear next to the gap in the rock, miss, you can hear the waves in the distance, and the thieves fighting…” - L
Innerworkings 0/2 Have a basic requirement of eye to hand coordination, and overall bodily control. “What makes you not a stumbling baffoon, to be brisk.” - P
Title Leveling Description Comments
Endurance 0/5 Physical motivation and persistence. Keep moving. Keep pushing. “The definition of might. The definition of usefulness. The definition… of me.” - P
Physique 0/4 Physical power. “Basic competence in a fighting scenario” - P
Survivalism 0/6 Have the “Instinct” burrowed deep inside of you. Know how, why, and where to fight. Basic survival skills. “Zzzz…” - S
Mechanical Intervention 0/3 Proficiency with mechanical “upgrades” “It’s usefulness is up in the gears.” - P
Title Leveling Description Comments
Address 0/5 Dexterity. Grace. Fit in and out of situations. Be nimble. “Good for thieves, egomaniacs, assassins, and… cops.” - P
Composure 0/3 Scream in the face of fear. Stand your ground. React with stride. “Force the fools in your way to stand down, while guarding yourself without rest for even a moment.” - P
Influential Rhetoric 0/4 Convince others of your bold-face lies or complete truth. Psychological warfare. Spellcasting “Useful for Propagandists, Jesters, Circus Runaways, and the mindfully-witted.” - P
Charm 0/4 Play the victim, or the broken. Act like your future is brighter then theirs. “Appear innocent in order to discourage violence, or defuse tension.” “Self explanatory.” - P


…Eliza, could you remind me why I was invited to this PM?
What value do I have at this moment as a co-host?
(Note: Zone is used to being a co-host for when games are already reviewed and ready to be run. Not when the game is still unfinished.)


You don’t have to do anything

Alright. I guess I will mute turn this PM into normal until someone pings me then.

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you can just
leave and be reinvited later
if you want
when i’m cohosting i like to work on the setup

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Ah, yes. This is more preferable for me.
A’ight. I’ll see ya folks in the future! o7


…that mightve been rude
forgot there was a mute button and didnt want to say anythinf

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op stuff:
figure out a way to say “this isnt bastard” without sounding stupid
list events (that they exist)
list the certain timings of things

see whatever this thing is

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to-do list
think of 3 roles (possibly an exe/other neut)
try to make some roles more enjoyable

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do you think an exe is an acceptable idea


If it’s an ITA scorned maybe

its… obviously going to have to have a different wincon then “get 3 people dead”