Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

could the treestump get one extra ita shot upon their death?

just 10-12%
to make them feel like staying alive has any purpose


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two things i cant really do myself

the evil team prolly needs more fakeclaims

is this permanent or disabled in xylo

Yeah it’s unfinished

If it’s announced yes
Otherwise no

its hard for me to create an attachment role to the vote hunter
however, i can suggest that a clause be added that allows them to gain an extra vote day one; that being, so they could feel powerful early on.

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my main fear regarding the role is its combination with the doctor, or any event doctor, providing it near immortal whilst giving a player complete control over executions in the endgame

even one kill could save the game in the villages favour, and they practically become locktown because there is no way that the hosts would give that to a mafia role, nor why that mafia role would save the game with it

my suggestion is to have it unable to collect any more then 4 votes, then, and additional votes be turned into increased WAR chance (by like 2%. practically nothing)

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or, perhaps, just make that an active with a cap of 4, allowing them to trade off an extra vote for a slightly better WAR

(also with all the ita increases. you… might want to drop down the 2 shot town vig to 1 shot strongman or something)

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Mech oracle (n0) - Your role is, somehow, slightly, a detriment to town purely by existence. This does not mean the negatives outweigh the positives.

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following solution:
weak modifier

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Executive Vigor Empire

Galactic Community Vote Gambler

Monetary Fuel (Passive) - You may hold up to a total of four votes. You may use all your actions in the same cycle.

Glaring Weaponization Flaw (Passive) - You cannot be protected from a kill.

Excess Grant (Day, D1) - During the first 12 hours of the day, choose a player. If they die via execution or event, gain a vote. - 1 use

Overclock (Night) - Transfer 1-3 votes into re-industralization. You will gain a 2% advantage in war, and a 1% less chance of dying, per vote. - Infinite uses

Fund Edict (Night) - Target a player. If they die tonight or tommorow, permanently gain +1 vote weight. - Infinite uses

requesting above changes

ye one sec

still concerned about free execution. but if wolves let someone who has three votes stay alive for that long and expect them not to become a threat, i would be confused.

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debating on mafia 1-shot mech oracle to solve the problem

could add generic “good at events” role
seems kinda boring but