Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

  • The night action deadline is 2 hours before SoD (5:00:00 PM).
  • Day actions will not be allowed in the first or last hour of the day
  • Each WAR session lasts for 1 hour.
    • Session 1 lasts from 8:00 PM9:00 PM
    • Session 2 lasts from 3:00 AM4:00 AM
    • Session 3 lasts from 2:00 PM3:00 PM
  • “Events” may begin at any-time. “Events” are minigames inside the game where players typically compete for prizes. Occasionally, events may occur where player has a risk of death, mainly if they lose in that event. Events where players may die will be clearly marked, and contain a brief explanation of how risky entering the event is.
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its ripped from fam3 op
i’m yonna fix it sround

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submitting for approval

just make it not as spaced

will try again

i can fix it if u make it a wiki


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problem solved

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the hilarity is i will be in europe when this thing is happening

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oh nice

so it works out pretty good

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i need… one more ability
for the evil rolecop

maybe a… gunsmith
like how the v side has one that can detect who holds a gun, they could get the same ability but stronger

“target a player. learn if they’ve ever had an investigative ability used on them”

its sorta like the voyeur but. the voyuer has fine strength anyway and this will confuse the good team

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Nihilistic Acquisition Empire

Crisis Rolecop

Kidnap (Passive) - The first war in which you are an Aggressor cannot kill and will be registered as a miss, but you learn the Defender’s role. If the Defender was Galactic Community-aligned, this passive refreshes.

Gentle Persuasion (Night) - Target a player. Learn if a non-crisis investigative ability has ever targeted them.

submitting for approval.

…feel free to do a final look over things
im done.

k one sec

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to do list


to do list (outside of review)

decide on events

atlas: finish mech oracle info (for the early days)
atlas: heavier draft of the “worlds”