Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Design PM

behold! the fakeclaims

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since host trivia is an event
we need… host trivia, right.


fuck does that mean i need facts about myself

i mean obviously if you aren’t uncomfortable with it

i am fine with it. i just dont know if there is anything interesting enough XD

you can just submit trivia you as a host find interesting.


i thought it meant trivia about the hosts

i dont really care what happens with it
it cant be worse then last time

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you can do whatever’s easier.
all four hosts need to probably do five though
and i might get a non-host to answer too

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…although its probably for the best if we’re all on the same page, we can just highlight which is about us and which is general trivia

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mildly modified the role to allow d1 submissions

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ok but is it host jeopardy or host trivai

…what was it called last time

host jeopardy
if its host trivia its different

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same rulset i assume

heres another link but i fixed editing permission
just put your q+a on the third page so we dont have to keep track on forums. i’ll make a fancy thing later.

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am i good to add the game to the queue btw

… no objections

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