@Zugzwang I genuinely am baffled at how you’re reading me in this way. Yet you’re also agreeing with me that May is town. And that Brad is prob town. I resolved the Brad v Cape thing. And I outright said yesterday that we needed to stop going for May as clearly wolves were happy with it. You’re on the same damn page as me but you can’t read me despite the fact it should be obvious by now due to my actions, that I am town.

This is me showing I’m passionate and that I’m not giving up fully yet. Because I shot a fucking wolf, I gave a towny a buff and that towny confirmed to have gotten my message which included my claim too, as I said I did.

If you’re town, please open your eyes to find me. I do not know how you haven’t yet. I want you to

i think the anticlaim isn’t a normal one, like killing people for claiming

i think it’s gotta do something with maybe roleblocking. the wolves had way too little kp for the anticlaim to be kp

i think killing ki here is a mistake. i see no reason for kii to shoot cape there and if he did, he’d only do so if he was the only wolf alive, or probably exactly with zung, but i doubt that’s the reality

so in case we don;t get any wolf and we get to f3, i’d only think about killing him there

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this is false in basically every way

  1. Cape was way more suspicious at the time
  2. You wouldn’t know whether it would hit
  3. You would get immediately killed if you went for someone like TBE

a -5% chance to die in a war is pretty insignifcant
especially because in most wars, we coordinate 3-4 people so there’s only a 0-1% chance of dying anyway

Yeah, you did resolve Brad v Cape, but we’ve already talked about that shot a lot. And, looking through your ISO, it doesn’t look like you ever mentioned that we should stop going for May.

If you’re town, make your best attempt to just explain the things I actually find scummy. Even if it’s not perfect. Because rn it feels like you’re mafia who simply isn’t able to, which is why you’re resorting to talking about everything else.

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tutuu and Someone claimed they got vanillaized
i’d imagine it’s that

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cape was under pressure from tutuu and me, and was generally kinda suspected (would’ve had more pressure if not for the doctor claim)

so yeah i’d say that’s a reason to shoot cape there for w!kii

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that being said yeah there are realistically 2 wolves here (based on what Someone said of neither team winning rn) so i’m considering sadbi rn

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reading over sadbi there are like. a few vague things that ping me as ‘this thought feels genuine’ but they’re not like. a big thing.

kii is still wolfier but also like. if sadbi is town and we mischop there we lose a lot less than if kii is town and we mischop there. given that sadbi has completely disappeared from thread today and has ??? reads now that tutuu has flipped town.

unsure how to resolve that

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in an ideal world brad would shoot the person in sadbi/kii who we don’t lim and it doesn’t matter what order this happens in then.

@BradLand Would you be ok shooting whoever remains in Sadbi/Kii?

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There is the risk that if they’re both town then we would lose (given 2 wolves)
however. if brad is town*, then may is definitely town**, I’m town, and I’m confident Someone is town.
which would make it impossible for sadbi/kii to both be town

*yes it is possible brad is wolf (doubt tho) but then it doesn’t matter what we tell him to do, if he can just grab parity anyway

**I realized that wolves, when deciding to neighborize Ash, would expect t!Brad to not shoot Ash, and therefore to shoot in his other suspects, who were May/Rose + tinfoil tutuu. Given he shot May with the gun, and Rose had a failed enclave, it makes sense then for May to definitely be the most likely of these for Brad to shoot.

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looking at my objections again I can kinda see answers to 1227 and 1229
like, ways t!kii could’ve said that stuff
(i will not explain what those are until/unless he gives his own answers tho)

idk about 1236
that being:

it’s poooooooooosible that kii forgot the actual amount he TRed cape by, and in reality shot cape because he was a lot less sure of that read than of tutuu/treasure/tbe
since he didn’t say Cape was his 2nd to top tr until i questioned him later
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that kinda makes sense

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VOTE: Sadbi

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If I die:

Never tinfoil:
Someone is town.
T!Brad → T!May

This is very likely true but you can tinfoil slightly:
Brad/May not w/w
Brad is town

I’m confident killing all of Kii/Sadbi/Insomnia just wins the game.
@BradLand Kill inside this group (would prefer not Insomnia but your choice).
I trust you can realize I’m town. And from my perspective, if you’re town, I’m certain all wolves are in this PoE. So trust me on this.

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nice eod - insomnia probably

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@May @someone nya nya nya please be on to vote nya nya nya nya

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nice eod guys

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idk if im throwing but im not gonna follow treasure on zug, genuinely think he’s villa

he’s just posting too good for me to tinfoil him here. endless wim and tough posts to fake imo

may has also had some pretty hard to fake thoughts.

this would leave me with brad / kii / sabi / someone

in here, kii just shot at cape. i’ve not really read all the context, but shooting him there seems unnecessary, although it’s possible he could’ve felt pressured to declare war and was counting on the 19% missing. i just thought the way he handled himself in ITAs telling stick to check him as well as how he’s defending himself here to be genuine

someone pushed the throwing hitler move which does seem hard to fake without TMI, because it’d only come as an angle for him to push if the team is exactly someone / zug, otherwise it seems hard to think that. and if zug is a wolf, i’d prolly flip someone

sabi im getting paranoid on just for the constant trust they have on me. it’s possible they somehow think im cleared, but our dynamic is that we always by some point get paranoid of each other, ~even if we seem clear. and in here that’s the confidence they’re putting out on me, although others have suspected me even with all the good things in mind. it’s also pretty weird that they choose to have that read based on conversation that they don’t see (mine and stick’s conversations) and they said to sheep stick even though they said i should be constantly re-eval’d. maybe sabi just recently awakened themselves to learning to read me, but it seems unlikely. the only holdup i have is that the role itself seems villagery, like they used it to always pair dangerous villa combos together. i guess if they’re wolf, there’s a drawback we’re not aware of, but meh

another thing in their favor is guava shooting at them in a manner that doesn’t seem w/w which kinda scares me a bit, but if it’s not sabi i legit don’t know who it is. i guess the theory would be that wolves probably thought killiza was not sabi? or they thought sabi would die and they wanted to get cred? i dunno


Sadbi (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (6): May, Kiiruma, Sadbi, an_gorta_slanktai, BradLand, Someone

i mean
he was certainly pressured to declare war:

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