Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)


thats nice. i love that. thank u hosts. hammer bad and unfun

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last time two times i scumread you you flipped town. last time I townread you you flipped scum. my read is shaky atm but any doubt i have is definitely not “three votes in five posts” strong

no wonder abbi didn’t sign up for this game


I’m going to go eat some food. Bai bai.

okay this opener is actually pretty similar jarek locktown never rescind

oh that explains why I didn’t remember it

because i wasn’t high energy? i’ll have you know, my good sir, that … well. i’m just not feeling that high energy, i suppose. i am town still, i do promise that

out of curiosity how serious of a read is this?

not very. only slightly

I randed town in a 55p game and decided I wasn’t interested and did the bare minimum until I died

well this isn’t 55 players this time and that was a year or so now. But I did still rand town and that is kinda fucking boring

i have no confidence in any of my reads at this point but gun to my head i had to pick someone to be scum it would probably be otter?

VOTE: tutuu


why would i lie to you?

holy shit my role sucks

VOTE: uu

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this is >rand town


i was also seriously hoping for a wolf rand :(

I already have 14 posts in this game lol

I only had 24 in that game with 55 people I’m already half-way to my post count that I had the entire game of that game you quoted that is sad

mmm why did you say this now instead of earlier tho?