Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Oh that’s nice of you, thank you!


I dunno but I do know that I’m leaving my vote here for now.

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Well obviously that’s fine I’m going to continue to read into why people over reacted to an obvious joke vote.

i reacted the same way to guavas ‘joke’ vote

That’s cool. Do you think you are playing ‘towny’

i dont know i play as i see fit as im sure you have seen from my last games i dont play consistently

Okay cool. Though actually, I just went back again to see the quotes and I changed my mind, I somehow didn’t process 38-39. Which… idk how I didn’t, but I didn’t orz

runs to see what these posts were

is this related to me?

“I play as i see fit”

Man that response sucks so much

Explain this please

What does the last line mean? I don’t really get the meaning here.

I’m so desperate for any game content I’ll latch onto anything to form a read at this point.

Like fuck I’m so fucking lost and i hate it.

This player list should not have me feeling so lost and so desperate to generate something readable that I’m overextending like this…fuckkkkk…

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I do want an answer to this though

Prisma came into the thread and was like “these are jokes but :/ sus”
literally who does that
not a wolf methinks
a wolf would try to formulate a read based on something that was actually serious, right?
so their read, in turn, would be taken seriously
they’re sussing people for joking
it doesn’t make sense which is why I think it’s town

did you also want me to explain to you why you’re town?

I’m telling them their AtE isn’t the reason I unvoted
and I tacked on that they accused me of AtE because… I felt like it? I guess?

sorry I’m playing 100% OJ (Kyupita stans rise up all 0 of you)

No, it’s just me realizing I missed posts that change my opinion of Meme’s push on Jarek. If I processed the direct no to clearing people until looking for the traitor is needed from Jarek, I wouldn’t have felt Meme’s reasoning was forced and weird.

I can see the reasons for the miscommunication now. And I kinda feel like Jarek changed his argument midway through, it’s kinda weird. I’m still thinking on it.

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What was the reason?

for unvoting?
I think at that point I just wanted the conversation to be over so I moved my vote off him :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:
iirc I wasn’t even wolfreading him I was just annoyed
or as some will call it when they don’t actually have a reason to vote someone, “policy”

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Yes because I’m starting to worry about you slightly. Only slightly though.