Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

runs to see what these posts were

is this related to me?

“I play as i see fit”

Man that response sucks so much

Explain this please

What does the last line mean? I don’t really get the meaning here.

I’m so desperate for any game content I’ll latch onto anything to form a read at this point.

Like fuck I’m so fucking lost and i hate it.

This player list should not have me feeling so lost and so desperate to generate something readable that I’m overextending like this…fuckkkkk…

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I do want an answer to this though

Prisma came into the thread and was like “these are jokes but :/ sus”
literally who does that
not a wolf methinks
a wolf would try to formulate a read based on something that was actually serious, right?
so their read, in turn, would be taken seriously
they’re sussing people for joking
it doesn’t make sense which is why I think it’s town

did you also want me to explain to you why you’re town?

I’m telling them their AtE isn’t the reason I unvoted
and I tacked on that they accused me of AtE because… I felt like it? I guess?

sorry I’m playing 100% OJ (Kyupita stans rise up all 0 of you)

No, it’s just me realizing I missed posts that change my opinion of Meme’s push on Jarek. If I processed the direct no to clearing people until looking for the traitor is needed from Jarek, I wouldn’t have felt Meme’s reasoning was forced and weird.

I can see the reasons for the miscommunication now. And I kinda feel like Jarek changed his argument midway through, it’s kinda weird. I’m still thinking on it.

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What was the reason?

for unvoting?
I think at that point I just wanted the conversation to be over so I moved my vote off him :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:
iirc I wasn’t even wolfreading him I was just annoyed
or as some will call it when they don’t actually have a reason to vote someone, “policy”

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Yes because I’m starting to worry about you slightly. Only slightly though.

Lissa can be town

Holy shit I’m going to cry now.

because I stopped being agreeable?

I think your main gameplay is trying to get everyone to shut up and actually play the game and that in itself is townie
you don’t seem like the type of person who dislikes chaos, and wolves thrive when nothing is accomplished (looks at the no exe conversation) and you did say earlier that you were playing differently this game but I still think you’ve been acting more townie than not
despite the reaction tests that test my belief in you

agreeable is the wrong word
amicable? something more like that

I could ISO you and have an actual opinion
but like what a pain
it’s almost 1 am


I’m struggling to write what I’m thinking. But I didnt like that statement felt almost tmi-y especially since you were calling me scummy throughout the actual interaction only to turn around and say it was T v T.

It concerns me. I’m starting to see the wishy washy narrative a bit.

What was this thought? Sorry not sure if you responded.