Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY



Prisma describe in two posts how i think as town.

Prisma is town

Bussing a teammate D1 sends you very deep.

Do you always put your vote solely on the scummiest player? Do you not think a vote has more power than just to be played in such a by the numbers way?

I posted a reads list.

Did you read your own reads list about those two? You gave nothing. So i am asking for more concrete thoughts.

Why are bruhing Prisma for that? It feels like a gaslight on a new player with the right mindset.

You are not a new olayer, you know this can happen, has hapoened and you are pretending orherwise. What gives?

That’s what my read is.

It has not changed.

I’m about to get destroyed by Memes when he reads up the next like 50 posts from where he’s at lols

Suffice to say though

If i don’t know what you are doing i scum read you.

Don’t really believe in null reads. Your either town or you are not.

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VOTE: Neon

Ok,this is the second time you quote and vote someone, where i cant see anything alignment indicative. The question was fair and you overreacted with OMGUS.

Eh? How would she know?

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Ok not OMGUS but you overreacted imo.

Your head is completely empty about the fact that silviu appears to be making up reads?

Wait so you are not gonna question him on it? How do you figure Magnus has not lied to you today?

So instead of just answering this you vote?

I do like prisma reaction to it, so you and I are not on the same page here again.

Also, If you are scum here, Jarek is mega town lock.

I was not being nice there if you know what CFD means.

Are you the traitor Neon? This looks like a traitor soft.

No, scum already knows who the traitor is.

Are you signaling to the traitor Neon?

You shaded Prisma up until now and now you dont fucking no?

I didnt expect that.