Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I remember it well because I was pushing very hard for it at first LMAO

Yeah I was a little confused because like
I’d have to go back but I asked you a question or something and then you didn’t really answer or give a reason not to answer
Fuck if I remember what the question was though
It’s also why I wanted to vote out Ranta in that game but that never went through
And then you both ended up being town :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

I wasn’t mad at you if that’s what you’re implying, though, I was just like “bruh they’re not helping what is this :sob::sob::sob::sob: get this out of here” and then you were town and I was like :no_mouth:

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From my experience, I believe that the mafia from what I could tell, they don’t want to risk being in the spotlight too much.
I get lynched for exactly doing the latter too much :skull:

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Generally mafia doesn’t want to cut their heads by speaking too much but at the same time are willing to sacrifice their teammates alot.

On Flicker, sillykitty and Atlas kept voting Leafia when she wasn’t doing anything.

Ahhh good memories.

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Off-topic. I am drinking tea to relieve my cold.

I feel like I am in a dessert right now

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My tea has a slice of lemon, I wonder if one can eat sliced lemons like they’re apples.

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I don’t see how these statements are related
Also I don’t really get it in general
Why wouldn’t you want to speak a lot? Unless it’s common for you to not speak a lot as town and it becomes NAI
Why would you be willing to sacrifice your teammates “a lot”. Like, obviously, if you have to to not look suspicious, you should, but the a lot kinda bugs me because it seems like it implies people just do it to do it?
Maybe I’m just reading into it too much though, it’s giving dragoon/dragon

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You could
It probably wouldn’t be an enjoyable experience, though

From my experience, which I guess it isn’t that much experience. Dunning-Krugger effect time.

I observed alot of wolves on this site, they for some reason always try to suspect their werewolves in a way or another so they can’t look like they’re partnered.

I usually speak alot because it’s a part of me, if you friend me on discord. We’d be talking about rainbows, how I script on retroblox to wow, my highschool is oddly strict with security and then compare it to american prison systems. But I am just being silly here :joy_cat:

This can backfire, though
If you look for a reason to suspect someone when there really isn’t one, you just look partnered with them by trying to not

It’s weird because sometimes I have something to say to literally every message that comes in and sometimes I feel like I have nothing to add to my activity fluctuates a lot :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

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I even DM people, I have friends from all over the world, it’s lovely to meet and speak with people.

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Also be sure to be selective about who you decide to speak with! Especially online!

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My answer is have a good night, I am leaving for a bit."

Sadly I forgot that EoD is just around the clock, so I thought I had time to come the next day.

Wrong I was

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He didn’t know chat

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Zoro is being headstrong…

Zoro as a mafia is usually passive. I got him the first time now 6 months ago, but not so lucky 3 months ago when he had the same tell.

I’ll keep this in mind for now until further notice.

And now I’ve read everything.

I need more content.

VOTE: Silviu

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VOTE: Neon


Furthermore I suggest everyone to say they are Town Motion Detector or Doctor

The real one (me) need to get the answers out without being nightkilled! The mafia can’t strike the real one if everyone says they’re MD!

Why are you howling?