Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Memes is being argumentative.


Goodness Grace, I understand that with certain people you just can’t get along, but none like this.

I have a certain person I had some fight with last month, if everytime I would just try to attack them when I see them then that would be very mean and dumb.

I understand that the way you feel, anger and other strong emotions make you do things that are short-sighted and can make you regret.

I always feel tempted to take a jab at a player when I am mad at them, but it’s better if I don’t especially after that Conroy sheningan where I just blown up for no good reason.

Deep breath in

Deep breath out

That’s the best solution

Also even though I died by saying that you can’t quite get much alignment information too early on D1, I still stand by that.

Okay that’s not what is happening. What I mean is that you should probably ignore the person if they annoy you, as ignoring someone for like a while until things cool off isn’t going to hurt that much.

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I almost typed this exact message in response but I was like “Neon told me to stop talking about it so I’m not even gonna respond to this”

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Oops sorry. I am going to follow suit if there’s an already established don’t-talk-about-it.

At the risk of hopefully not saying something controversial.

Jarek/Memes not W/W
Guava/Memes not W/W

I did call it though

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Yeah, that makes sense
Though given just how braindead my tone was in some messages I probably would have said that shit even if they were my scum partner


It’s okay, I do many things when I am angry that I happen to regret later.

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That’s also how I got lynched the previous game, and I believe you can remember it pretty well because it was like it was yesterday.

I refused to cooperate and then I got dogpiled on because people were looking at how defiant I was and judging my alignment on that.

Thank you, but I wasn’t going for pity :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
I’m just like “I wasn’t thinking and not thinking is NAI for me”

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Oops sorry, :joy_cat:

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Magnus tried to descalate the argument once when that entire thing sparked.

I think he did not want to be part of it either because it was too firey or he was busy which both work, the part where he wants to deescalate arguments I can see that it can come from Magnus, he is the type to be wholesome.

If he’s wolf, he probably tried to talk him out of it in mafia chat.

But for now I believe that he doesn’t like to be in battlegrounds.

I remember it well because I was pushing very hard for it at first LMAO

Yeah I was a little confused because like
I’d have to go back but I asked you a question or something and then you didn’t really answer or give a reason not to answer
Fuck if I remember what the question was though
It’s also why I wanted to vote out Ranta in that game but that never went through
And then you both ended up being town :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

I wasn’t mad at you if that’s what you’re implying, though, I was just like “bruh they’re not helping what is this :sob::sob::sob::sob: get this out of here” and then you were town and I was like :no_mouth:

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From my experience, I believe that the mafia from what I could tell, they don’t want to risk being in the spotlight too much.
I get lynched for exactly doing the latter too much :skull:

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Generally mafia doesn’t want to cut their heads by speaking too much but at the same time are willing to sacrifice their teammates alot.

On Flicker, sillykitty and Atlas kept voting Leafia when she wasn’t doing anything.

Ahhh good memories.

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