Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

this is obsession? this one thing i want to do today that youve conceded is good for town is bad because im obsessed?

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Sounds like something a desperate wolf would say.
Make sure Neon’s gone and try to convince others to obsess on No Executing.

fair I also only read your read on me so I could catch up with thread LOL
planning on reading your other reads… like… soon…

Who’s the Town you have Found?
Who’s the person you think is a Wolf?

yeah insanely scummy thing to say
d1 execs are NEVER as good as d2 and we can like. start on d2 here

I don’t think we should settle on No Exe / Exe for now

That leaves people complacent with solving and we just waste a day TBH

I’d say just go with the mentality that we are gonna exe and solve, and we can prob have the Exe No Exe discussion closer to day end

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is this a real idea

VOTE: Zorvo


IT’s opinion based if anything.
I’m not sure I like how much you’re pushing this.
All I remember from you is wolf leaning Neon.

Thank You!

yeah im just trying to keep it in peoples brains for later

Cause I’m pushing you?
Can’t handle my pressure?

is it for later it seems like you want it to happen like right now

at some point you have enough of zorvo
and being accused for trying to get the people trying to leave to leave is definitely my limit

Fuck that’s what you call it?
Were you not just trying to force people to vote a no execution, get people to vote on it.

No execution is the meta

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You wanna give up the chance of executing a wolf today?

I just don’t know what policy means I think :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

are you trying to suggest i want a sleep hammer
you know a big part of a noexec is we at least get 2 days to work on a d1 exec
im also very consistantly anti hammer in all my games but yeah thanks for the stretch