Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Tbh it’s a weird meta read zorvo but last game you were all onboard helping town win as a neut and seemed pretty all in on “boosting towns win-rate” but you aren’t doing that this game. Prolly because you didn’t roll town right :stuck_out_tongue:

Why is Jaiden Townie for you though?
What happens if Silviu flips town, how does your reads change?
What happens when I flip town, how does your reads change?
I can kinda understand Guava now, but did you make a post explaining your Magnus town read and if so where can I find that?

I too also think Memes and Jarek are both town, I’ve also stated this before.

Also I don’t find Prisma directly wolfy, they are null to me.


I just accept my fate.

Not really the same energy as last time but alright sure

Anyone wanna go in depth on their wolf read on me?
Cause other than Silviu I haven’t heard any town reads.
Also Silviu had more of a gut read on me if anything so I am kinda disappointed.

I wish Arctic was here. :confused:

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So with prople i am finding townie atm i can kind of hear their voice in my head as they say things. It feels like the words are coming from actual people trying to give actual thoughts. It gels.

A lot of your pidta feel stiff and disjointed in the approach, zorvo. I am used to you being all over the place and swinging for the fences. I dont feel any chaotic energy from you tbh. You seem disjointed and aimless to me.

Do you feel aimless @Zorvo ?

It was like the first 10 minutes of thread is what I meant by “this early”

Because I can’t really argue with “it’s possible though” because like yeah I guess
Also I just in general didn’t want to continue that conversation because I was getting annoyed and I didn’t have anything I wanted to clarify

Also them being new has nothing to do with anything :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: I’ve only played a couple more games than they have

You have
I was wolf in CoD2, remember?
On the second day, anyway :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

stole my conversion from me


I was just skimming for my name ngl

Silviu200530 (3): Achromatic, Memes, Zorvo
Neon (1): Silviu200530
Sleep (1): Jaiden
Magnus (1): Cream
Zorvo (1): Neon

Not Voting (5): Prisma101, Lissi, Magnus, guavagudetama, Jarek

Can you explain:

  1. why you’re under Jaiden
  2. why Zorvo is on there
  3. why Memes is on there
  4. why everyone in the town list is higher than Neon
  1. It’s in no particular order
  2. Zorvo is mostly unreadable to me and I had a vibe at the time that said zorvo was probably good. He can still be good but I’m having doubts but nothing I would want to push zorvo over someone else over for now
  3. They’re acting exactly how they always seem to act as a townie even if I’m the victim of it
  4. No particular order

If you mean that both Jarek and Guava are scum here, why do you need to add “from a town perspective” here? Is it just you clarifying that you are town and this is your perspective?


I don’t see why a wolf couldn’t make the same joke here; I don’t understand your point about time, either. It’s a list of unordered (per category) names without written reasons; it’s fine but surely it wouldn’t take wolf!Jaiden absolutely forever to write that either.

how am i involved in this again

ISOing Magnus for having a vote

Putting a pin in this it might be relevant but I also might never circle back to it

With how I feel about Jarek idk if I like this post
Possible Wolf!Magnus Traitor!Jarek
I’m also thinking about this joke post way too hard this is nowhere near a smoking gun

Magnus is Gossip
Cream is Innkeeper
Jarek is Vortox
Neon is Gambler
Lissi is Town Crier

I don’t understand the logic on this at all
Like she’s going for the meta play this game idk if she cares about what’s more or less fun
(Not to say that I’m not having fun or I won’t have fun if we noexe btw but in most games playing the meta is less fun)

Did you ever form an opinion there

I still don’t know if I like Jarek putting himself second on a readslist being called a “townslip”
Magnus/Jarek points :arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up:

Possible tmi with the assumption of an ML (like “if the top wagon goes over that’s town”)
Or it could just be town who doesn’t have faith in their teammates
It’s probably NAI though because the vote count was 2-1-1-1-1 at the time

For what

Not quoting the entire Achro wall but this could be an attempt to look active when there’s nothing to read
It also worries me that Achro has nothing to read because I feel like they’ve been fairly active… but that’s a post for another time methinks

This also feels inconclusive
Though we have the “they’re acting the same way they did in CoD and got exe’d for it” which I also noticed
They were town that game and also their flip did absolutely fuck all for us because they didn’t do anything all game which is why I’m looking somewhere else

I feel like you could have just blamed it on there being nothing to read because I would have come to the same conclusion on Achro
And then probably not posted it :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

I think they could be a wolf
They have “scum equity” or whatever
If they flip wolf (not traitor like real wolf) I’ll probably look into Jarek again

VOTE: Magnus

I should also ISO Zorvo cuz Neon’s vote is there for whatever reason


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