Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Silviu wanna actually get a real read on me?

you clearly dont know me

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The “I don’t know” is poor and a little wolfy.


Why would you say this when I call you W/W with someone?
Also, Neon I’m still confident is town.

Then why are you voting me?

I would like to know your read list, sire

And if you have an opinion on monsieur Jarek

Sure, I’d also like a better read from you on me.

We can comprise, I can give you my reads order and you can give me a better read.

I don’t like the “I don’t know” read and don’t think it just pass as a real read this late into day 1.

What if my read on you depends on what your readlist and Jarek read is?

I made it clear I think Jarek is town. 4th in my town reads.

Do you want to do the deal so you can see my full readslist?

Now will you explain your opener about why we should kill Achro?

Neon? No, well, the doubt is there but…

When i read their read list after having pushed Prisma for weak reasons and arriving at “i dont know about Prisma” when i was expecting “Prisma is scum for this and that” type of read because that’s what Neon seemed to me leading to; I thought she was scum for it….

But when i read that she she laughing at me expecting to get destroyed for her behavior in the last 50 posts at the time, it disarmed me because it felt like she was just reaction testing.

I was feeling pretty happy and confident about my townlean on Neon at the time so it pissed me off that her, out of all people, would be trolling the thread by intentionally acting scummy to see who failed her alleged test.

Because what if she was not acting? What if she was not reaction testing? What if her intention was to push LHF Prisma, hoping i would support her and when she saw I didnt and realized i could hard tunnel her for it, she claimed it was all an elaborated reaction test even though she has also claim it that she did it out of boredom?

You dont derail the thread because you are bored and town aligned, not when she has spent a good portion of the day accusing Jarek for doing exactly that, derailing the thread.

That’s why i said i hate her, because she is making me paranoid of my read of her. But she is still town in my list because her content still outweights that.

I am not sure if is a good deal, it sounds like you are giving me your readlist in exchange that I’ll put you a read that isn’t null.

Why is your read “I don’t know” when I currently have over 200 posts that you can look through?

Well here’s the thing, I thought you are town because you were doing some back and forth with memes as I was skimming through and when I read your ISO I didn’t see the qualities that town!you has!

So I can’t put you as town until further notice!

Remember how you won the game last time because oops, I got you wrong?

You can keep reading up on my posts and continue making a read on me.
Sounds like an excuse not to make a read on me.

You even placed your vote on me and you claim to not even wolf read me.


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Sure I voted you and I didn’t exactly wolf read you but I trust Memes is town and they voted you and I think that your read on me could have been TMI so I was willing to push it.