Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

destruction of wim is p much the only con I actually thought was real when considering this
given this is fol and we are going to decide our exe/noexe in the last 2 minutes anyways I might as well introduce option 3


he did predict he’d get CFD’d.

im also willing to kill this but I would very much rather kill zorvo
magnus is also cool but i think he will fully resolve ~d2 if hes actually town and would rather handle him there

Let Magnus live, I want him alive!!!

secret option number 3 is always the cfd pick
this is known

Is it bad I don’t know what a CFD is

Probably shouldn’t use that phrase for it but you know

He did predict it either way

the whole flash wagon thing

DO REMEMBER: if we let neon live and theyre actually town we lose an exec early due to her absolutely deranged “will snapvote in xylo” rule
however I think, like her definitely true and not a completely blatant lie “will never bus ever” rule, it would be broken if something went remotely off her plan

please keep this in mind

I sense you have some rivality with Neon

i never know what else to call it so i just tell people it stands for Cwick Flash Dwagon or some shit like that before explaining it
be the change you want in the world

Crazy Fire Drill :+1:t2:
It’s basically when, at the very end of the day, everyone piles on someone who didn’t have a wagon/had like one vote on them

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It’s a little early to be calling Jaiden’s vote cfd imo

oh also neon/jaiden s/s is definitely possible
jaiden is a deranged lunatic who would, in fact shout at their teammate in thread if the opportunity presented itself and neon presenting that shed never bus while fighting jaiden could be and incredibly silly way to try and make them seem unaligned
although she did follow it up by explaining shed only do it if she was provoked to, which she was, which seems a little too on the nose for her to say with such confidence
just food for thought


But that was probably just a joke lol

SCUM TIP #4021:
Make the arguments that you’re scum before the town can. That way you leave no openings for them to use on anything but your terms.


Ohhh Chinese Fire Drill

oh my god why have i been calling it Cwick Flash Dwagon i couldve just changed the first word


To be fair, Quick Flash Dragon is a much cooler name than Crazy Fire Drill