Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Predates croatia by over 300 years. Lynch all liars

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I don’t even know what this means :sob:

Achro: do things
Jarek: alas, my death is for the good
Achro: reads?
Jarek: i am doomed
Achro: any thoughts on game state?


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It’s hard to read when you refuse to read

:nerd_face: :open_book: = :white_check_mark:

:x::nerd_face: :x: = :x:

Would you laugh at me if I said I don’t know how to do an actual read though

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croatia existed before the country of croatia
the croats arrived a millennia earlier actually
bad faith argument, auto scum

Anyway uaing my 1 unit of wim per cycle that my health allows me to say you all should kill magnus.

I don’t know either, here you need to find your own style.

Do you know how I did wikipedia entries on people on Starcraft and on Valorant?

Best I do is iso wallposts and that doesn’t feel like a read that’s more like a case thing and it’s also really boring to read 500 posts

why this vote

I also don’t really know how to like

Let’s say I look at someone’s long long wallpost

How do I deduce right and wrong and alignment?

hi jarek, word of advice
fake it till your make it. thats what ive been doing for a very long time. I’m still doing it as a relearn how to play mafia without the killer instinct I had before
if you pretend to not have weakness it really helps

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Ohhh fake confidence until you have confidence

Heard of that one

ok but how do you actually do a read

this is a genuine serious question it’s not a joke

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lol I have no idea what’s going on with Jarek

I’m having a joker arc dw

idfk. guess. eventually youll get really good at guessing and boom you have tonereads
alot of it is also language analysis so if you like. went to school that helps alot
I struggle with language and always have so mafia is pretty good for me to keep up my english brain

Ok gimmie your reads