Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

oooh me!!

I have a question if you are still here

is the 0% town winrate 100% evilrate for real? :joy_cat: just noticed lol

You dont need to dissect someone to find if they are scum or not.

You have answered the questions i had already by posting

It was when I wrote it

Pet Pet

It’s not accurate any more but it’s still kinda funny so I left it there

Oof! Poof!

Are you on mobile or somefink?

Good night

@Silviu200530 @Memes or anyone else, do you have thoughts on this?

You just got here though… :( good night silviu



I’m being let down by the lack of memes :(

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my brain does not want to do HW :(

clearly a lazy Sunday

arghhh okay cream go be productive

but always ping me if you want a free meme lol idk why I’m in this mood today :joy_cat:

The fluidity in their responses and the logic behind those responses is what i townread.

Hated very much the scum paint attempt though, vey shady. It’s the kind of stuff i hero shoot someone for even though i townread them.

That is why i townread Jaiden for as well.

If Jaiden was gonna bus i dont see at the end they hesitate and end in another wagon.

@Magnus claim please. You already softed, if you are town you dying anyway.

It’s better than me being executed, right?

The coin flipped tails. What’s up doc?

So you willing to get executed instead of baiting the night kill? Why?