Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

It is more likely that w!Jarek bussed than w!Jaiden not bussed.

But I’m not gonna worry about bussing theories. We clear PoE and worry about a bussing theory later

I feel like I need to sleep on this. There are a lot of possibilities here, and I think I just need mental processing power to really weigh the different scenarios. Like… what Jarek says could entirely be possible, but it also feels like a hell of a play for Jaiden to do.

It seems pretty clear in my head that it’s a possibility the only nagging thought is the part where jaiden votes to sleep and pushes for it, it doesn’t work because people would point that out later on like I am now, it would make the whole making zorvo look good thing not look good at all

Still want pressure tho

@Jarek do you have a read on Jaiden outside of the EOD stuff?

Kinda had a town-read on them outside of that at least early on. I agreed with most of the stuff they said kinda deal, you know. That’s really it I didn’t really look at them all too much outside of that I didn’t figure I’d need a reason to because they made so much sense it’s like “eh whatever probably not it lets go somewhere else”

It is not pressure if it’s only you and I think you are very alone in thinking Jaiden could be scum.

Well, Lissi also thinks Jaiden could be scum so he’s not alone

I think it’s a possibility that’s worth voting to see what happens but I don’t think this is where everyone ends up

also if Jaiden is actually scum I get vanity points by saying I was right

Tbh I don’t remember Lissi’s posts. She has been very forgetable so not exactly a voice that has weight.

Get someone like Achro or Neon to pressure and well… that’s real pressure.

lemme just call everyone scum so I get vanity points no matter what :joy_cat:

Currently I don’t have anywhere else to look and it’s pretty late, The read I made felt pretty comfortable if that makes sense so I’m rolling with it. I’ll probably have a new look at things tommorow when I wake up and see new posts.

I’ll wake up tommorow and there’ll be zero posts lol.

Could be a possibility with Neon tbh, given her latest readlist

what happens if not everyone shows up by day end to resolve magnus? let magnus live and kill prisma?

prob gonna get ready for bed at this point

VOTE: Prisma101

IDK if I’ll have time to slank at work and be on tomorrow for EOD. I always try but I seem to be everyone’s favorite person to bother :smiling_face_with_tear:

i dont know? i dont really have an opinion on anyone at the moment

why would we resolve magnus, he claimed doctor and is not CCed, we are not exeing Magnus at all today

lol I meant “to resolve Magnus’s alignment” not to resolve magnus via death