Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

from what i can see jarek and guava are the main two that appeared most in the summary and most of which involved votes i will try look over isos there to try make a read

Looks like we have a Thunderdome.
One of these man are lying.

Only the first one, don’t rule out the second.

Dumb to kill MD/doctor claims D1


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See I understand Neon now.
Neon calls people a wolf and treats them like a wolf for reaction.
Neon knows that they can obviously be wrong but wolves react in a certain way and Neon is trying to catch them from that reaction.

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Memes is Null Town for me.
Neon is Lean Town.

InB4 Silviu and Magnus are both wolves trying to claim to avoid execution day 1

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goood afternoon
my blood appears to not like my right arm bc it feels rhrhehrehrhrhrhh but i am here

there are 300 posts total
i dont feel like an iso is really neccesary

Baby shark dododododod baby shark

i find it weird that you call it an accusation even after everything ive said
in reality im just suspicious of you and zorvo and I thrown achro in as a wildcard
i think its very possible that the more low profile players in this game are the 3rd mafia already
we do have alot of them

Hello friends here I am I am awake

Not at all, people can say I need to do better all they like but the fact of the matter is I am not going to magically change into the person people are asking me to be overnight, if at all ever, I’m not saying I can never improve but you’re stuck with me here in the moment for now sorry

They aren’t both the goons but they could easily be the traitor

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I wonder if the 2 mafias can just get away with happily not care about the traitor ever

There’s zero point worrying about the traitor right now anyway we won’t get that far and I’m willing to bet a lot on that being the case

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Especially 300 posts in

The traitor is indistinguishable from a regular player who knows nothing the only difference is mafia will know who they are, but as far as how they’d be acting they’ll be perfectly normal

If I were to guess who the traitor would be I’d say it’s memes based on the fact they seem to want to be right so damn much - but it doesn’t seem like it’d matter to them if they were wrong. All they have to do is mis-exe some people and that’s their win condition right there

I wasn’t referring to one person in particular. Neon’s pretty good in terms of all of that.

Guava/Zorvo didn’t immediately call me a wolf and move on acting like they’d solved my slot within seconds, that was what I was focusing on at the time and disregarded other things to focus specifically on that. I’ve a clearer head now so re-reading people and seeing what happened elsewhere is now possible.

It’s one of those things I scoff at and ignore because it’s mostly nonsense and never actually goes anywhere. Saying one of two people is a wolf is a vague statement at best I mean come on I could grab a group of 5 random people in this thread and say “at least one of them is a wolf” and I’d have 3/11 chance of being correct