Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

as expressed in a previous game i cannot read paragraphs very well without putting a strain on my eyes

its also 2am

Who, you?

Why did you quote both you/memes AND Guava/Memes rather then JUST Guava/Memes?

Im caught up.

Silviu is a wolf

I don’t think it matters too much and any wolf is good.
We might get the traitor today we might not but let’s just aim for any wolf.
There has been so many games lately where wolves swept so getting at least one of them on day one would be nice.

Because any one of those two could easily be the traitor in my opinion.

Looking back on both they both have the vibe of someone trying to score big guavo is out here swinging at everyone they swung at magnus they swung at memes they swung at me and memes did that thing

Time to be a hypocrite and say the line

“one of Guavo/Memes contains a wolf!!!”

I’m confused on your calculations, can you explain?

Im not gonna let you oversimplify my content ss just bickering. I defended myself against my aggressors but i also posted reads.

Jarek is also still a wolf and must be burned with fire and buried in a silver box.

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Think it’s with Jarek or Guava?

3 people are evil not including myself I take a group of five

there’s a 3 out of 11 chance that I picked at least one wolf in the group

Well, it was useful for me to deduce that your feelings are genuine and probably not a wolf would act like :heart_decoration:

If you’re wolf then cool if not then enjoy being wrong

I havent worked that out. These are individual reads


So you don’t agree

Funny how everyone saying Guava in their solve and yet no one pushes them hard enough and even Neon be calling them the Townie of their suspects.

Yeah I can already tell even with a break I’m going to dislike this game, hmm.

You know instead of laughing at my reads hows about you give me a reason why you disagree with it

I think it’s funny y’all are just going “no U are the solve” also to note Guava has an odd stance in this cause they don’t seem to care too much about the solves.
Not Neon’s nor Memes.
Guava seems to just be making jokes.

VOTE: Guava
I kinda wanna pressure this.

For the record, I know that you always try to galloop your reads.

In Flicker, you actually guessed some right but most of the on-the-spot guesses were wrong. For example you thought that I probably wouldn’t add a bodyguard on top of the medic, but well, I was unpredictable like that.

Like while people be putting others in solves guava I don’t think is making any of their own.
I could be missing something and mistaken but I don’t know.