Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I’m just confused I’m not trying to fight you mb

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if you havent read me yet id appreciate if you did
i have to get a vibe of everyone this game

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I did this too I really need to read my posts before I send them

This is my vibe

oh i dont mind dw

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its a metaplay really
ill explain more mid-d1 prolly

You went from wanting to vote magnus to wanting to vote memes to wanting to vote me in the span of about an hour and it was pretty wild and maybe it means nothing but I have decided it means something


Since I didn’t read their posts /s I’m going to ISO Jaiden instead

I still don’t understand this
Sees zero poster
“It’s this or noexe”
But you’re not accusing them of being wolf…?
What is this

This sign can’t stop me because I can’t read

And I’m taking it as suspicious that you said you were going to do something you would do as town side but didn’t do it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

At least I’m not the only one confused by Magnus’ opener

I continue to not get it
Is almost feels like you’re softing a night zero alignment check which is not even a feature in the game :sob::sob:

Is this not an accusation btw?
I must be going insane


I read the posts :+1:t2: Again :+1:t2: I still don’t get it lol

Magnus was just me saying
“Hey this was kinda weird for you”
And then them going
“Why lol”
And then me going
“idk it just is”

My vote on Memes I literally said I was looking for someone else to vote but I was putting my vote there for the time being

And then I stumbled onto you

This is even funnier than what I thought btw cuz I didn’t even think you were gonna bring up what I said to Magnus


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Okay I’ll wait then I guess :sob::sob:

i feel like the idea of it being a metaplay was explained with the meta-mech post

that was a soul read and was framed as such

Yeah I know you said that
I don’t even really know what that means I’m gonna be honest
But the fact that there’s a more to explain means that even if I did know what you meant by that I probably still wouldn’t get it

This set of quotes feels weird
Like he comments that Memes can’t take a joke but I made a joke and he took it super serious
He later comments

And mine had a vote and his didn’t
But the juxtaposition of the two interactions just feels off
Could just be NAI but I think he’s scared

Me rn /j

Possible that he’s saying this to like signal his traitor to claim PR

He was right in the grand scheme of this argument but also his argument was “the PRs are town” which was somehow argued against

This post is so strange…?
Firstly, you should care about looking towny. You cannot just act wolfy and expect not to be voted and expect people to not be mad at you when you know you’re acting the way you do and you know people find is suspicious
This was basically just you going “yeah I act like a wolf what about it” and what about it is if you know you’re gonna get voted out for what you do it almost feels like throwing
Secondly, is the “pretending to solve” in reference to Memes? Because despite… like… what he actually said, it did seem like he was trying to solve
I don’t agree with it but his posts certainly felt genuine

This post does not come from a town!Jarek.
I refuse to believe it.
town!Jarek does not refuse to interact with a slot under any means.
I absolutely refuse to believe that is how town!Jarek plays this game and if I’m wrong I have some reevaluating to do for myself if I want to continue playing FM

Not to say that you can’t
Take a break
Or ignore a post that bothers you
But to completely ignore an entire slot?
That’s not town. That is tmi, that is wolf.

He ended up responding to smthn today anyway though so idk

So like it would have been nice of him to summarise it again but he has been talking about basically only you and me in this thread so his ISO is kinda just what you’re looking for LOL
Also I don’t like the idea that because he didn’t restate information that he already gave that you can go back and look for it means that he’s wolf?
Like… what?
This isn’t like me/Silviu in CoD2 where I asked him a question and he was like “my answer is good night” and went to bed like :sob::sob: he just already answered the question

Like in this post where he said you were “sewing distrust” and “widening the PoE” (idk what he’s talking about but he sure said it)

And then he said this

And then there was this (the other person in the “two” here was me — it’s when we both said we thought his tone was rude)

More clarification on the echo

So to summarise even further

-your PR comment is to “sew distrust” and “widen the PoE”
-you overreacted when pushed
-OMGUS moment
-you echoed me to make me more confident in my push

I don’t think I actually agree with any of this but it definitely feels like a solve and I easily found all this in his ISO so idk what your problem was unless you had a time constraint

Aaand you ended up back on this… it’s just unfortunate, really


The difference is my joke is super obvious because I’m either gamethrowing or joking

It’s always an obvious joke to the teller

Every post that slot has made has either been AtE nonsense or accusing me for equally nonsense and frustrating reasons. Not healthy to continue pretending I want to interact with that.