Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

No you’re not.


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Wallposting isn’t AI but I agree they have a good feel of the game from a townie POV. I like it.

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Did i stutter?

i mean if i was doing wasnt working you wouldnt be getting unhinged posts to read liks these

What does wallposting got anything to do with it being AI?

Why would it benefit you if someone died? What if that person is town?

Who are you thinking about killing?

Dyou just want the game to end quicker or something

Magnus kinda sus.

Though individual reads are present, there is lack of big picture ness. IDK how to put it, but feels like there are microreads here and there, but he’s not putting it all together in a more comprehensive solve. Feel like scum can sometimes do that where they make reads here and there, but don’t really show that they are thinking about the players as a whole.

Hm… actually thinking about it is there value in this read? Thinking on other slots, I feel like it’s a common thing not just isolated to Magnus. Maybe site meta that people kinda just make random reads as they go?

I think Magnus last time as scum felt kinda dead inside but was capable of making intelligible reads.

Kinda want to see more from him at this point

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  1. hate when people say this. just because you don’t make any sense doesn’t mean you have to bring up speech impediments.
  2. Jarek’s wagon had traction before but I don’t know if you noticed it’s just you now. Don’t act so certain he’s going over today. What made this thread a mess was you two being so confident about what you say.
  3. Jaiden’s logic actually lines up (even though I’m not gonna do it LOL because an extra potential doc save isn’t really worth it) and I don’t really see them as paired

My aggressivity is NAI. It’s part of my playstyle.

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kind of?
if doctor picks people who aren’t attacked and motion detector picks towns then us extending the game was pointless, and it’s very likely that will happen
It would be pogged as fuck if we no exe’d and PRs saved someone or found a wolf but it’s not practical

Someone noticed. I’ll figure something out as I go on.

If you are scum, and you are aggressively targeting a townie, and the townie feels [insert negative emotion], do you still retain the same level of aggressiveness regardless?

Why do you think im letting go of Jarek now?

it doesn’t seem like you are
are you letting go of Jarek now?

Someone will be dead and that someone could be interesting

Noticed what?

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someone will be dead either way
we can ensure that whoever dies is interesting by voting them off