Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY


I’m a boomer with decaying eyesight I’ll need a bigger picture than that :older_woman:

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aight gimme a sec


it honestly feels like the people who are actively against noexe just want more people to die total

what about it

As scum i would either try one of these two things:

  1. I’d pocket him and then later pretend i changed my mind to push a misyeet.


  1. I’d tunnel him hard and without merci and then at the end let go, so the townie would be so annoyed about dealing with me that when i let go he’d feel so relief that he’d be willing to townread me for “reevaluating” his slot. Of course i would betray him on a future day.

pro-murder is not pro-town

Blood for the blood god!

Quick question

do you auto scumread people who are anti no exe

or like… how does their opinion factor into your read of them


I am… for now. I still scum read them but im not going to make him a martyr no no no

my opinion is lesser of them as a person but other than that not really


murder gives us info :+1:

Blood for the blood god… where have i seen this before?

I know you, dont I?

yeah and takes away one of 2 mls we have total

we have 2 of these !!!
like on average we ml way more than this bc we’re all bad
we are doomed without proper action

so you wanna sit here and do nothing (execution wise I know you don’t want to end discussion that’s not what I’m saying) and wait for one of us to be actually murdered and hope the motion detector picks a wolf?

but that flip, along with who the wolves kill at night, gives us info
we’re sitting here getting half the info we could be getting and praying motion detector hits a scum. it’s just not practical

how’s this for a proper action?
VOTE: Jaiden

like we have leeway for a reason
there is room for error for a reason

it would be great if we didn’t fuck it up ever but that’s not always gonna happen

you know theres more to do than hope theres a motion detect
a scumkill n1 is honestly about as useful to town as the d1 ml we have hit every game

this is definitely improper action

literally what I’m saying
we get TWO confirmed pieces of info instead of one

okay but it was a good one liner