Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I honestly can’t remember such an instance off the top of my head though I’ll look at it if you ever find the post

this one

I think post and vote was a joke

as i said i am probably looking at it incorrectly

consider: it was funny though

funny doesnt mean trustworthy

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oh this is a real push
yeah idk what to tell you it was post 22 and hour negative 18 LOL
can’t even fuck around in FoL no more </3

and that means it shouldnt be taken as though it has potential to be you trying to shift blame and/or selling out a teammate?

i cant take jokes especially in a game where anyone could be the opposite of who they say they are


I guess that’s fair
I’m going to be a pain to play with if that’s the case LOL

ig by me thinking it’s a dumb move that’s like
exactly why they would do it

but that’s so unnecessary

again there is a possibility and i dont know how you play as this is my 4th game so how do i know if thats something you would do or not?

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I really really like the way you think and speak. Holy fuck if your woof I’m pocketed.


bruh I guess

That’s certainly extreme.

Which is hilariously enough pro town.


We could just…as a collective town… not fuck up

I dunno why you and Jarek are so insistent that we are always going to fuck up. Like it’s such a mood killer it doesn’t help us.

We are a stacked town and if we spent less time debating every little thing and every piece of game theory and now time actually hunting scum I’m quite confident we’d find some.

Also think cream iirc is onto something with Magnus.

VOTE: Jaiden

what in that quote makes him a suspect?