Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Do you think I’m such a bad wolf that I’m going to vote Jaiden, who I’ve stated a town read on repeatedly, without context or reason to do so?

Like… come on.

VOTE: Prisma

didnt say you are wolf im saying the way you voted him was odd

If you don’t think I’m a wolf than why bother saying it looks weird?

because it does

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What are you accomplishing lol…

just sharing my thoughts on a matter

“you’re thinking to much about what I said”
that’s playing the game
also PLEEEEEEEEEASE use tone tags if you want me to know that it’s a joke!!!1
/j = joke!! a 100% guaranteed way to “clearly patently and intentionally” make a message known as a joke!!! please!!! PLEASE!!!

Prisma when they get pushed for taking jokes at face value :sob: :sob:
like I don’t… like that but is that wolfy or is it just a personality trait, y’know?

based response lmao

no but seriously this is so t/t what

Well, I’m mainly asking because I think it was a willfully bad push that he stuck to even after a reasonable clarification was made (and also bc I don’t even really think it needed a clarification tbh…). I’m asking if you are lumping that under “town-indicative rude” too.

then no, I guess?

I suppose I’m not including that in my reasoning no

I think voting someone and quoting a Bible verse as a reason should be obvious enough.

well obviously it wasn’t.

Oh that’s nice of you, thank you!


I dunno but I do know that I’m leaving my vote here for now.

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Well obviously that’s fine I’m going to continue to read into why people over reacted to an obvious joke vote.

i reacted the same way to guavas ‘joke’ vote

That’s cool. Do you think you are playing ‘towny’

i dont know i play as i see fit as im sure you have seen from my last games i dont play consistently

Okay cool. Though actually, I just went back again to see the quotes and I changed my mind, I somehow didn’t process 38-39. Which… idk how I didn’t, but I didn’t orz