Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

because it was over reasons other than your scummyness
oh did i forget to mention that i literally JUST said it was to reaction bait you

Bro I really don’t understand why you think I’m wolfy.

don’t call me that

im out, arms need rest
toodle doo

“Voice of Reason = Wolfy” is all I got from you.
When I have consistently shown I do that as Town.
Just as I’m town doing that here.

“Bro” is a generic term but alright if you don’t want to be said that term then I’ll try and avoid it in future.

Tbh it’s a weird meta read zorvo but last game you were all onboard helping town win as a neut and seemed pretty all in on “boosting towns win-rate” but you aren’t doing that this game. Prolly because you didn’t roll town right :stuck_out_tongue:

Why is Jaiden Townie for you though?
What happens if Silviu flips town, how does your reads change?
What happens when I flip town, how does your reads change?
I can kinda understand Guava now, but did you make a post explaining your Magnus town read and if so where can I find that?

I too also think Memes and Jarek are both town, I’ve also stated this before.

Also I don’t find Prisma directly wolfy, they are null to me.


I just accept my fate.

Not really the same energy as last time but alright sure

Anyone wanna go in depth on their wolf read on me?
Cause other than Silviu I haven’t heard any town reads.
Also Silviu had more of a gut read on me if anything so I am kinda disappointed.

I wish Arctic was here. :confused:

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So with prople i am finding townie atm i can kind of hear their voice in my head as they say things. It feels like the words are coming from actual people trying to give actual thoughts. It gels.

A lot of your pidta feel stiff and disjointed in the approach, zorvo. I am used to you being all over the place and swinging for the fences. I dont feel any chaotic energy from you tbh. You seem disjointed and aimless to me.

Do you feel aimless @Zorvo ?

It was like the first 10 minutes of thread is what I meant by “this early”

Because I can’t really argue with “it’s possible though” because like yeah I guess
Also I just in general didn’t want to continue that conversation because I was getting annoyed and I didn’t have anything I wanted to clarify

Also them being new has nothing to do with anything :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: I’ve only played a couple more games than they have

You have
I was wolf in CoD2, remember?
On the second day, anyway :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

stole my conversion from me


I was just skimming for my name ngl

Silviu200530 (3): Achromatic, Memes, Zorvo
Neon (1): Silviu200530
Sleep (1): Jaiden
Magnus (1): Cream
Zorvo (1): Neon

Not Voting (5): Prisma101, Lissi, Magnus, guavagudetama, Jarek

Can you explain:

  1. why you’re under Jaiden
  2. why Zorvo is on there
  3. why Memes is on there
  4. why everyone in the town list is higher than Neon