Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

how exactly is

it is literally 9v3 theory

See? This is why when you gossip you always get found out

I think hyperfocusing on no exe like you are doing is wolfy, but you doing it to the degree that you do almost wraps around to not being wolfy, since I think wolves might be at least a little self-conscious? If that makes sense?

I think it’s like the hyperfocusing part in my mind

idk but also the fact that you drag the discussion back to no exe just now

like this is why my mind thinks you could be mafia, because a TWTBAW read can only go so far


Thoughts on people on your wagon?

@Prisma101 @Jarek @Silviu200530

please vote by day end

While I know Memes is being unreasonable.

I neeeeeeeed to find why Zoro unvoted me

my 1AM brain doesn’t have the answer lol

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i made reads but then everyone fell into the fol hole where they start arguing about nothing

Magnus/Seth im not a fan of
neon did some weird stuff???
memes is probably still town but i wish he wasnt
frankly i think that outside the openings and some interactions with a couple people i dont have much to report back on today
everything is looking just pretty grey

It’s okay, lemme see if I can do long ISO posts within 600 posts since my last response

Anyways I think Achro is town

kinda wanted something more but okay…

Neon town because she be bored and wants to talk to people (she hates when activity goes die)

gonna sleep, I think I can be on right before day end

cream pretty much every noexe post has been in response to people trying to say to me that noexe is bad when it is LITERALLY THEORY and im stubborn

Prognosis of 75% Town
Silviu - 25% mafia :scream:

Slight Town


okay miss “responding to people shading you and your ideas is so scummy it cant be scum”

okay miss responding to people providing you umbrella shade and your ideas are so evil that it can’t be evil