Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Is this related to the game, or just in general?

just in general i was doing some googling and found this

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Okay, duplicating in creative has its benefits.

just use the creative menu though :/

Prisma if you watched a certain youtube that goes by the name Horizon, they found a very game breaking glitch on minecraft multiplayer and that’s duping.

Basically duping items by turning your internet on and off which makes it accidentally duplicate, it was used to break minecraft servers.

Step 1. Click to hold an item
Step 2. Switch off your internet
Step 3. Profit

Or something like that, you need to use a chest

That can be a pain for map makers with redstone lock mechanisms, off the top of my head. I don’t think that proves people on the internet to be stupid.

the full tutorial is how to set up a complex redstone duping glitch using shulker boxes

i dont think anyone (even map makers) would want to build that when they literally have every block and item at their fingertips

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The tutorial might be teaching you how yo set up a viable dupe for survival, and it’s just being made in creative for demonstration purposes.

then it should say “in minecraft” not “in minecraft creative”

I feel like you’re overly hung up on this.

Did you guys know Ao Oni game has so many variations and differences in just 6 updates?

Magnus I know you know


I don’t know.

Release version

The release version is the only version that has literally the beginning of the game before entering the possessed mansion like you see in the photo.

Also in the foyer it actually explains why everyone is splitting up as you the player can see it visually and then when the protagonist goes back, then everyone is gone.

Also the zones are very very different now than the latest version

Also when the Ao Oni chases you in this game, it has very very poor AI, it’s like roblox in the sense that they just directly tries to face you and does not go around objects and after 20 seconds it literally dissapears. You could easily trap them.

And also this is the only time where they have these dialogue boxes.

Version 3.0

The game this time, begins with an old man desperately trying to escape the house but then it’s eaten by Ao Oni and then later that day, the cast enters the house.
There’s a rope-ladder in this version, you could have attempted to escape with 2 other people however Ao Oni eats the ladder and literally you are forced to escape by other means.

The protagonist literally sleeps in the basement in this version and dreams that his remaining friend is in Ao Oni costume.

This version is only for the japanese release, the 2 creatures added are oh my god very underutilized and that’s why they got removed. The bulky one (Squatto) is literally smashing the last remaining friend the protagonist has and then it chases you around for like 20 seconds and that’s the only time you’ll ever see them.

The blob one has the entrance key but fortunately he’s so so slow.

Here you escape through the entrance.

(There’s Version 4.2 but it’s like just a demo, it lets you play until you reach the basement. It’s like the previous version.)


Squatto and blob are removed and replaced with Roach Oni, if you approach it, it will do a noise and then eat you if you stay longer than a second, but more it keeps crashing through the mansion’s outside windows, it jumps very high.

This version, the casts of people just enter the mansion unlike the previous versions where it’s more lore-y.
This is where the hallways and rooms are smaller and condensed so it doesn’t look like you are running in a palace.

Here’s a special one, when you are in the basement for one puzzle, the light goes out and you have to go into the darkness to get it back on.

And for once, you can achieve the good ending, gather all your friends.

For the home-stretch, you need to exit through a window that was broken by that roach thing to go into the garden and then into the shed to get the key where the original humanoid Ao Oni will chase you forever until you escape through the entrance.

Another thing this game has, it’s a prologue. People have nightmares, people reflect on what happened.

In this version only, there’s 3 characters (instead of the old man) that enter the mansion and all are killed as a bunch of crows fly away from the roof.


This version surpasses version 6.03 but… it is rather like a beta concept.

This is the latest release, this was a decade ago.

Anyways, this game starts like on 5.2 where the same cast of people enter the mansion, hide when the protagonist goes into the kitchen, people are hiding…

Mika here hides behind a bedroom and then can be found in the basement… but she turns into an Ao Oni. Every character that dies inside this mansion turns into an Ao Oni, even if you suicide like one of the characters.

And also these characters keep coming out of nowhere, the last remaining one joins the protagonist’s party and then when you would look into your inventory, he turns into an Ao Oni and you are forced to run.

And I am very sorry folks, there’s no good ending here. All the friend turn into an Ao Oni and the protagonist leaves all on his own, it’s not poggers, guys. I really liked version 5.2.

Also apparently these Ao Oni can take the human appearance of people they killed.

The epilogue always ends with his friends being forever gone.

There’s many many many differences. For example there’s a Diary Puzzle where they give you a 5 digits number and then you have to find another Diary with another 5 digits number and you have to do an equation to get the code, but it was removed fortunately.

You also had to do an abacus puzzle but fortunately was removed because no one playing Ao Oni is japanese apparently.

Diary Puzzle



Abacus Puzzle

I asked your read on me at present

(Also that’s not all the changes, so I’ll ramble about that later teehee)

Jaiden ain’t Null.
Idk how you actually forgot about my very clear wolf read on Jaiden.

VOTE: Jaiden