Stratagem-10 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

It is such an innocent answer and reason for town reading someone i cant believe you are scum lol

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Oh ok.

VOTE: magnus


This sounds too funny

Oh hey, sleep is tied for first.

Far be it for me to say this is a bad read because like I’ve used this line on Zorvo a ton but Silviu who has Zorvo been death tunneling?

I actually feel like this game Zorvo has been moving ŕeads and pushes around a lot and actually listening and working with others. This almost feels like an attempt to discredit Zorvo by painting his gameplay as oh lolz Zorvo is tunneled again.

My coughing fits came back

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Hope you’re okay.

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There’s 6 people who have expressly stated they will not vote sleep. I will beg them to vote in a block of need be to prevent sleep from winning lol

So you gonna ignore my ping?

I… don’t know if sleeping on the exe will do much…

This is my current ranked experience in league. Send help.


ive not seen it

That’ssssss the thing, I ain’t seeing it either

That’s why I put him on null after reading the past 600 posts

Because my car can’t stay in the middle of nowhere, I am going to find to put it in this parking spot

VOTE: Zorvo

@Zorvo come and fite me

Did you change your mind because people thought you were weird for townreading him, or…? Did I miss something?

Well, when Achro told me to ISO him and find the posts where I find him to be town

It surprisingly turned my confidence around

Read this

i can officially confirm the internet is full of dumb people