Stratagem-13 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Probably a bit late but can someone give me a crash course in Zenon’s law?

Ok so from what I remember
Person getting voted + 3 people voting them
^One of the above is statistically a wolf
According to Zenon (aka Abigail this game)


People who have voted me and plan to, just try to make this flip as info worthy as possible by answering these two questions!

  1. If I am mafia, who do you think my partner is

  2. If I flip town, how would your reads change?

Mmm, I agree with it then, top wagon has always had a wolf in my experience too

But you also understand that when I’m not given a thought process besides “Zenon’s Law”
I won’t be able to town clear that person based on their reads

Ahhh…that sounds too farfetched tbh… that’s a too detailed analysis for something this small

I kinda don’t have any retort to that, just… that’s just how I am?

But well, how will you view Luca if I flip town?

I’m not caught up
Besides the whole theatre bit (that I just got to in my catchup tbh)
I was town reading you and sort of town reading Luka a bit

I bit peeved that 2/3 of my first town reads are suddenly sussy

Ahhh, this depends. I feel like it’s good enough reasoning for early days.

Though, since this game is kinda fast paced seeing worst case scenario (we mislynch everyday and mafia kills a town everynight); I can understand wanting to make more educated decision.

I ask a lot of questions
That’s how I play
So if the answer is
“Zenon’s Law”
It’s just not helping me
It’s detached and not genuine to me

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Who else in the pl would even be getting coached tbh?

Garfield is town but not for faking a slip

No that it was a slip
I thought the same

Oh I misunderstood what you were saying
My bad

It’s the puns
I know it!

But that’s the thing

Mafia is just simple statistics

People boil it down and try to make it harder than it is but in the end you think someone is scum cause they do a thing you’ve seen scum do more often than town

That’s a statistic


I just happened to start recording data for things i saw a lot cause i found it interesting

What is sleep?

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Kinda weird all things considered

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It’s just… kinda normal

I’ve played one place that didn’t allow it and I’ve played a lot of places

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