Stratagem-13 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I’m not saying it’s wrong
I don’t want every explanation we are given to be the votes
That’s all
Because statistical anomalies exist for one
And I won’t find that person town for it

Exactly one tbh




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if someone actually says they’re carrying the factional I will dead serious sleep vote

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Were you tilted by this?
Did you actually feel ignored?

that’s correct
it’s also why I’m not actually pushing for anyone to vote Agent
I don’t really want Agent to be the center of discussion, I want to think about other slots

VOTE: Caitlin
Speaking of voting

Hmm… I’m gonna go back to agent town lol

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Town but like… with really interesting mafia theory that looks wolfy lol

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Oh… okay cool


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What does coffee represent?
I would be frappe to know

it means that I (Joy) am writing the post, as opposed to my other head Cat


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Like i said

Personally i just use it to generate content and move the thread forwards i generally forget entirely about it by end of day 1 or day 2

With that said i have a fun interesting fact about it

I’ve randed wolf 4 times recently and in every single one of those teams despite me being on the team my teammate has triggered Zenon’s Law lol.

Every single time.


I don’t think it’s theatre

I can see where you’re coming from in the sense that like
they’ll be subbed out into a person that we can read
but I don’t think it’s scummy especially when there is one (1) person signed up as a backup and they have already subbed in


it’s also based on the way Caitlin/Luka/Agent pushing on each other feels like
wolfy from all sides but also like it can’t all be theatre so I think there’s a wolf in it

unnecessary !

this is fair
I tell people my secret all the time to not being polarised
I just gaslight myself into thinking I’m town
I don’t check scumchat during day, I actively try to forget who my teammates are and just push on things that are scummy regardless of who is saying it
I really think it’s the secret to not being polarised

I still think this is typing style diff
not to make a dig at Agent if I’m wrong but this person is probably old because he types like my friend Chronos who’s like 40 something


oh I misread it gagged
you actually should have left this up though I could have derpcleared someone with that

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sorry for wallposting I didn’t realise I was making a wall post until I had already quoted four things it’s just an instinct at this point

If Caitlin dies N1 it was probably me

Abbi town
