Stratagem-13 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I’m fine with a competing Caitlin wagon

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Does coffee give you a latte joy?

Guava tell me who hurt you!


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nuh uh!


I like your explanation
Have a town bean

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It’s 100% reasonable for mafia to not realize that; I’ve seen mafia miss way more important setup details.



Fine i will systematically murder everyone who played in the last game

Eventually I’ll kill the one who hurt you

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weren’t you in the spec chat you can just look at what was said lol

but like don’t <3

I leave spec chats very fast because of bad experiences

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It keeps me awake, if that counts!
I started signing with this because, as Cat mentioned earlier, sometimes I post like I have had a bit too much :)


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[quote=“Garfooled, post:934, topic:6321, full:true”]

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good <3


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I’m still gonna systematically murder everyone

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Or just find the link to the dead chat

You can’t stop me Guava

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