Stratagem-13 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I’m not lecturing you
I’m reading you

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VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Skimmed the ISO while talking here because I didn’t remember Eliza doing much, and it’s honestly underwhelming. Not much in it at all, and next there’s a wall on Agentt that she seems to have gotten after ISO’ing there but like… Agentt already is pushed a lot. So the only content being a read that everyone else already got before her just means she has… no original content

I am reading into you not considering that you know your own slot and therefore you should live

Cheese string is good

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I do give this a derpclear

Also fwiw, Luka & Agentt p clearly aren’t SvS imo

But why should I live? A townie is gonna be NK’d. That’s a fact. It’s also true that it’s better if a more miselimmable target is NK’d

So literally everything points towards it being optimal for me to be a NK, over a different player

Now if everyone suddenly starts townreading me, then yea, at that point it becomes more negative if I’m the NK

So I’m considering it, I’m just being realistic

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Maybe this part feels lecturey?
Hmm sorry if so

3v8 is inherintly scum sided given we only get 2 mls with 3 evils. Killing an evil today is of all the more importance.

Ftr, can either Likey or Abbi explain why this is a slip?

It’s… 9v2…

Yes, that’s the part I read as lecturey


It’s 2 scum

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I just saw dumb tell and went along with it

Why did you still vote me after this post? Why me over the 3 others?

Because maybe they bring it up because
They’re being coached


Why would I vote my TRs

Oh trust me I don’t need to coach my scum buddies they can pull there own weight

Man that post from luka is gunna bug me for the rest of the game