Stratagem-13 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

You couldve been comfy already; hammer is disabled remember

Oh when I signed up I wanted to play

I have no idea how to be more townie than this ahhh…

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

You rlly are not one to talk tho

You AFK nearly always and also replace out lots

But also this sort of thinking is weird
Because you aren’t thinking
“I know my own slot is town, I should live”
You are saying
“I should die at night because I’m LHF”

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Who are you talking to here?

An LHF being NK’d is better than a slot that wouldnt be voted out being NK’d? That’s pretty basic mafia

Mafia wants ML’s, if they end up NK’ing one of their possible ML’s it’s worse for them then if they don’t

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Correct. Now to head out for food. Hungru Leafeon is hungry. :sleepingleafeon:

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I replaced out once

Thats still 33% of the games Ive played with you here tbh

So I just assumed you did it more

The lowposting still applies

Another reason why we kill inactives back at my home site! The mafia NKs them and town gets no information…

What is your point?

Maths checks out

Ppl usually find the info useless anyway so that’s imo not rlly a reason to NK an inactive…

It doesn’t matter
This is not what Abigail said
You’re putting words in their mouth
Maybe they could’ve responded this way
And I might’ve bought it
But they didn’t

That you’re giving me a lecture about playing the game when that imo, is hypocritical

Hm well I doubt pt 1 is Abbi’s intended goal anyway