Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

i dont feel like it right now
i will later
i am procrastinating

all 2 non-joking interactions in wind/gar

well. that was going through gar’s posts for things from wind that he replyed to / quoted. so it could miss things from gar that wind quoted

ok while getting wind’s posts on gar there’s some major !!!s there

some posts from wind on gar (stopped like halfway through tho)

Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #956 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #994 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #995 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #996 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #997 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #998 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #999 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #1000 by WindwardAway
Stratagem-15 FM - Day 2 (9/11) - #1001 by WindwardAway

So here, we see Wind give only one reason for her read on Gar. And that reason is that Gar’s been pushing Cait consistently.

Here, despite being currently voting Gar, she doesn’t push him at all. And given that Guava was town and Lol is probably town… yeah.

Worse though, is this post. This is just entirely contradicting what she said earlier on Gar, and giving a reason that makes no sense. Like “oh uh they did something that’s not unusual for them and idk what to do with it but uh that makes them scum!!!111!!!11!!!”. Whereas if you look at the reasoning for Lol and Guava, it’s more solid. Again despite still voting Gar here. And she doesn’t mention the read about Gar sticking to his push on Cait, which you think she’d mention given that it is a far more convincing point than the one here.

Votecount as of P#2611

Arctic (2): Psyx, lol
Zugzwang (2): May, Luka
PrincessAbigail (1): Arctic
May (1): WindwardAway
WindwardAway (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (2): Garfooled, PrincessAbigail

I want to reply to some of this
Do you want me to?
I also want to hear Wind’s thoughts about this
Or not surprisingly (to me)
We are not paired

I feel that if I do respond to some of this,
I’m giving an “out” to Wind

I understand again
My slot is frustrating
But I won’t, I won’t be as you say “defeatist”
I will try to play the game
Maybe not now
But I will play as soon as I can gather the energy and motivation

Please don’t take this as AtE
I’m not sharing much of what’s going on with me
In fact unlike D1, I have more free time to do what I should be doing: reading
This is me not feeling motivated and wanting to do other things
I want to do something tonight that doesn’t require concentration
Chill you know?
Not read 2k+ posts
I could do what Zug asked and primarily check Wind
But here’s the thing, if I check Wind, I will also be checking what they replied to + will also be utterly lost because I’m not aware of the threadstate
So… I want to read everything
And then do ISOs

im now winning and my opp has 7 turns to bring it back

downside is the battleship is no longer pogging since there are no enemies…


The point wasn’t that I wanted to be TR’d, I just wanted to bait a kill or vanillizer from wolves :sweat_smile:

Not really sure I expected more scummy people on D1, I mean, either way I look at it, I was mostly outside of my town meta. I wasn’t exactly following my own wolf meta, either, I was just trying to scope out my reads quietly while maintaining PR cover cause I hoped people would believe me when I hypoclaimed for just one day (and I mightve maintained that, too, if I hadn’t literally picked lol as my fake check, but my fault for not catching up before posting that).

Am I projecting? Like. Would wolf!me vote off-wagon while town!Guava goes over? First off, in general maybe sometimes, but this time obviously not. Secondly, Im not wolfing. The thing that looks good for you from your avoidance of the guava wagon is just specifically that you were tunnelling Abbi when there wasn’t really anyone else interested in her, but that’s fakeable from a good wolf (and yes, this is projecting, I’ve done it). And you did say you turned that read around while ISOing her, but as I said before, that’s also fakeable.

Yeah but you didn’t read my response to it. I agree Garfooled sorta threw softball questions my way, it didn’t escape my attention, but that’s also kinda why I don’t feel like they’ve actually been solving and why they’re still in my poe.

Because I forgot about it, until now when I’m seeing it and you’ve reminded me. And you’re gonna ask why I forgot about this, and I’m going to tell you it’s because i don’t find anything Gar has done to be particularly memorable. If gar were my scum partner I would’ve at least remembered a reason to push them, if I were trying to distance. I don’t remember because I’m not wolfing with gar. They’re just straight poe for me because I don’t think they’re towny enough, but people keep telling me they’re super towny and I’m wondering what I’ve missed. Everything so far that I’ve seen people call towny from gar is something I don’t consider to be alignment indicative, and that’s a matter of opinion.

Yo do you have any current scumreads or whatever

VOTE: Zugzwang

Undecided whether I like this vote, but I don’t like the Arctic wagon.

Why do people often use meta when defending their actions?

Explaining why town!you thought it was a good idea is enough — since you intentionally did something, you must have already weighed the pros and cons and believed other people would find it reasonable if you explain it to them.

If I did a crazy reaction test, I would have my own rationale for doing it and can explain to everyone why it made sense to do so without going: “oh, but wolf!Psyx would never ever do RTs!”