Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

  • Wallposting is NAI, it depends on whether I have the time and energy to make them
  • Being chatty/fluffy is NAI, it depends on how many close friends I’m playing with in the game
  • Number of questions asked depends on how good/experienced the players are (in NUF, lots of players are newbies/slackers/inactives so you have to keep prodding them to generate content)
  • Town!Psyx makes “weird” behaviour/tone/meta reads people accuse of being TMI or go “???” over, and the more familiar she is with the person, the better/more accurate her reads get
  • Wolf!Psyx tries to replicate her town meta, with a tendency to freeze when she’s outside NUF. It evolved from IIOA + ATE → LAMIST → the play in my last wolfgame.

Real talk: I think my wolfgame is subpar (I’ve only ever won a wolfgame once in my life, and that was in a hydra. The best I’ve reached so far on my own is a tie, which is the last full wolfgame I linked). I love towning, especially as VT.

Finally, the key point of my playstyle is that it was formed while playing in a small community with the same few players over and over again. I don’t have much experience playing offsite (this is my third FoL game not including Osie’s 18th Circle of Hell, while I’ve only played once in MU not including RuPaul’s Drag Race).

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I mean I’ve been reading their posts today and just have no strong feelings on them, and yesterday the posts I read from them also didn’t give me strong feelings

I feel like I spotted several mildly towny posts and also mildly scummy posts so it just kinda evened out and I gave up trying to solve them lol

Which post?

Both Luka and Zug have the approach
“I think this is towny, but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ put them in the scum list”
That’s my general take on them
Could that be coordinated
Is pushing LHF town or scum indicative
When they clearly TR me at the same time

I’ve got to ask guava once this game is over:
How on earth do you have the patience to quote people and make wallposts on mobile?
Every time I try
My stuff gets deleted btw
Maybe it’s different in desktop view, but even then I wouldn’t have the patience
So kudos to you

Because everybody in this game is townie lol
You have townie posts, that doesn’t dismiss your scummy posts. Wow this person said a townie thing, lets ignore everything else they’ve said
Ive said this before as well, without POE id have you as a town lean ignoring your D2 and honestly parts of your EOD1, which I hated. This push as well comes off as disingenuine, given youre actively lying about whats going on / being decietful about it.

Normally scum indicative; at the very least scum are more likely to do it, mostly early on.

I know NU soley due to the novels on there. Didn’t even know they had a forum

Its me teasing abbi for making a bad read, snap reading somebody town for imo wrong reasons / disagreeing with abbis reasons commonly happen when we’re in a game together

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Kay, not in the mood to pressure you on this

I meant the post Arctic quoted from Zugzwang saying that they’d turned their read around on you and while isoing to wolf case you, they concluded you’re town instead.

Oh yeah, mobile forum used to delete my posts too for a while, I forget why that happened. I did figure out that if you quote a post and then collapse the text box without typing anything outside of the quote, it deletes it, FYI. So I just put a random character in there or type something before I start making a quote wall to prevent that and I can delete it later before posting.


Where is the lie lol

Both of you TR me
And settle for me anyway

Because yeah
I will flip town
And yeah
No one is going to look towards you because you cover it with “well everyone else has town behavior too, what else am I to do?”
I’m just pointing that out as a possible excuse

Or should I say

I do not TR you
I never said that

I never TRd you
The reason youre in my “scum list” / POE you completely glossed over

Kay if you flip town people can kill me idc

tbh kinda defeatist but im not rly in the mood to play this rn, It might restore later

Not in the mood to even humor this