Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

this is a good question i feel like she hasn’t been thinking about me too much

I had dismissed this earlier because of Wind mixing up me/Abbi in a way that looked very genuine
i’ll go get it

though I do think that maybe Wind considering my push on Abbi much more major than it was is an indication of w/w

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Consider the following.

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I could probably solve this game if we fast forwarded to f5 but I think I would probably be killed by then

But if it doesn’t apply to me and you’re acknowledging it doesn’t apply to me why are you applying it to me?

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^ Guy trying to get killed so he doens’t hav eto solve in F5

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People need to stop being towny

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i am not mentally stable

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Zoooooonne you sure this game has wolves in it

Damn this haipai sucks. Orphans?

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Fuck it I’m going for orphans

this was caitlin’s readlist but i really don’t want to kill anyone in her bottom 3…

but do you guys really think she dies if she’s townreading both the wolves? lol

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yes :))))))))))
come vote wind with me ← maycore line tbh

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I have a few…

One recently left a server because “nobody will do anything about Abbi’s poor behavior”

I think that means I win.

OK yeah fair. Thank you correctboy

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FX is my domain get your own


I told my wolves one very specific order in Wild West 2. That you were TOO CLUTCH to live to FX under any circumstances. And look what you proceeded to do